Chapter 19: Date

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Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by J. K. Rowling. No money is being made.

Warnings: This story has Slash.

Chapter 19 – Date

Harry cursed when he hit the ground. He wouldn't recommend tackling a portkey, that's for sure. Though his eyes snapped open when he noticed that he wasn't hearing the crowd that had been watching the third task.

He jumped to his feet, his wand in hand, and looked around.

His eyes narrowed when he took in the unfamiliar surroundings. He had no idea where he was, nor why he was there.

Movement from behind made him turn around, his wand never wavering.

"Good-evening." a familiar voice reached his ears and he almost lowered his wand.

"Mr. Nacht."

Nacht flicked his wand and the fire in the fireplace roared to life and the candles lit themselves. Now that he had more light he could make out the room a little better. It was a dinning room, as he had thought; old but well cared for. Dark wood flooring and deep blue walls. There were several paintings on the walls, though only one of them was a portray. The man, he appeared to be a little over middle aged with black hair and deep blue eyes and refined features, in it had his eyes fixed on him. It was as if he was analyzing his every movement. There were two windows on the farthest side of the room that went from floor to ceiling and he could see the outline of a rather large garden. Then his eyes landed on a small, round table that was set for a two person dinner.

"Really Mr. Nacht; if you wanted a date, you just had to ask." he teased slightly. He knew that, technically, he had been kidnapped, but at the moment he truly wasn't afraid. And even though he knew he shouldn't he had missed Tom.

There was a slight smile on Tom's lips.

"I don't think my ego could have taken the rejection." he teased right back. He seemed somewhat lighter to Harry. True, there was a slight edge of nervousness around the man, but it was almost completely overshadowed by determination. As if he had come to a decision and would see it through no matter what.

"So you decided that the best option was to kidnap me?" he didn't even try to hide the sarcasm.

"Something like that," Tom replied, stepping fully into the room, "Please, Harry, take a seat." he said, holding out a chair for him.

Harry complied. He didn't see the pleased smile on Tom's lips but he could almost feel it. Tom took the seat opposite him and a second later a house-elf popped in, leaving beverages.

"The reason why I brought you here isn't because of a... date, for lack of a better term." Tom told him a few moments later.

"Yes, I suspected that. Though the setting is quite misleading."

"I have a few things to confess, and I admit that I opted for this setting because after our talk you may not want to be in my presence any longer. I am a selfish man, if I cannot have another chance to be with you than I will take the opportunity to enjoy it while I can."

"Why would I no longer desire your company?" his eyes narrowed, his magic starting to dance just under his skin.

"I was not completely truthful pertaining my identity." Tom stated, sipping his wine.

In front of Harry's eyes Tom's features started to change. A very complex glamor falling away. Harry took the man in. He had been handsome as Tomas Nacht, but the man sitting in front of him now was sinful. Harry wanted to pat himself on the back for managing not to droll. However as soon as he looked at his eyes he felt his mind shut down.

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