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Chan finished his beer, eyeing me the entire time. I didn't move from the wall. I was scared to get close to him. What if I made him mad, and he killed me too?

I couldn't have that happen. Despite not having much in my life to live for, I didn't want to die. Surely my life was meant for more than a ruse of a marriage and a murderous husband. I needed to find a way out.

Chan had another couple of beers and would smirk each time he sat and found me unmoving. I became a statue in his presence.

When he finally headed off to bed, I allowed myself to breathe. My parents had married me off to a murderous family. Did they know? How many people had Blade killed for them? How many was Chan responsible for?

I couldn't stay here any longer to find out. I needed to leave while I still had the chance. I headed to my room and grabbed the first bag I could find. I filled it with my favorite clothes, cash, and my phone and slung it onto my shoulder.

There was no time to waste. I flung the window to my room open and took off running. I needed to get away before Chan noticed I was gone...before he...

An obnoxiously loud siren began to wail from the house. It stopped me cold in my tracks. My entire body froze.

"Ophelia!" I heard Chan shout. His voice was scary and reminded me who he was...what he could do. The blood rushed from my cheeks and I ran away as fast as I could.

I didn't know the area, but I knew the diner. It was only a short mile away. The backpack made it harder to run but a jog was doable. I heard a car engine behind me and ducked behind a tree.

"Phi," Chan called out. "Come back right now!"

I held my breath, afraid to make any sound and be discovered by him.

The car drove off, and I continued heading to the diner. I could see it just ahead, and I pulled out my phone to call a cab. I was about to cross the street when Chan's car pulled into the parking lot. I yelped and hid again. He parked his car and stormed inside. Of course, he'd know that was the only place I knew of. I could see him through the windows walking up and down the aisles. I spoke quickly to the person on the phone, telling them a pickup location.

Chan glanced in every booth, before giving up and returning to his car. He spoke with the women on his way out, undoubtedly informing them of my disappearance and asking them to notify him should I turn up.

"Phi!" He shouted angrily into the night.

I could see the car approaching that said 'cab' on the side and knew it would be waiting for me. It was stopped at the red light. I prayed Chan would leave before it got there.

Luckily, he did. He tore off out of the parking lot back in the direction of the house. I ran across the street, hoping he wouldn't spot me, and hopped into the cab breathlessly.

"Cab for Ophelia?" I asked, my voice shaky.

"Yep!" the driver said in a chipper voice. "Need help with your bag?"

"No thanks," I said, climbing into the back seat.

"Where are you headed?" he asked. He seemed really enthusiastic about his work which was not an attitude I wanted to deal with at the moment.

I didn't really have an answer for that. I gave him my old address, hoping my parents would take me back if they knew Chan's family were killers. Surely my family wasn't so evil to do that knowingly.

"Buckle up!" he instructed with a smile before making a U-Turn to take me to my parents' house.

I breathed a sigh of relief. I'd done it. I'd somehow gotten away from Chan so easily. When I'd suggested we run away, he'd made it seem impossible. Maybe he was just too afraid of his parents to try.

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