Chapter 9

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A/N I do not own Glee
We all rushed into the choir room as Santana and I await to tell everyone the great discovery of the hidden ingredient in the slushie. Since it was the last period of the day, I decided to just wear my damp slushified clothes.

"Before Mr.Shue gets here come on..." Santana said rushing in all the glee members. I walk in and sit next to Kurt.

"Brittany lock the door"

"I don't know how to do that". Everyone frantically sits down. Excited yet nervous to find out more information.

"Umm what's going on?" Rachel asked nervously.

"We got the Warblers right where we want them. And because he's the smoothest criminal I know, Artie was able to find s spy store that sells top secret surveillance equipment." Santana explained cockily.

"Not top secret. I just got s tape recorder from OfficeMax." Artie said guiltily. Santana rolled her eyes.

"Ok ok whatever. In any case, I taped this to my underboob when we went to Dalton and I got Sebastian admitting that there was rock salt in that slushie that blinded Blaine. Now all we have to do is send this tape to the popo and that little bitchlet is heading to juvie." Santana says while pressing down on the play button.

"Admit it. Tell me the truth. What did you put in that slushie?"

"Rock salt"

"No no we're not doing that." Kurt argued.

"Why Kurt? This isn't violent. It's clever.." I tell him.

"I taped it to my underboob" Santana added.

"So he gets kicked out of school. The Warblers still do Michael and still beat us. Look I want to see Sebastian's head turning on a spit, but I've realized that you can't go looking back for payback every time the world wrongs you. If Michael went after all the haters he would have never had any time to do all that amazing music. So we're not going to punish the Warblers. We're going to teach them a lesson, and I think I know how. I reserved the auditorium, so if you all just followed me." Kurt said leading us out of the class.

"If Kurt would have taped this to his junk, I would have never heard the end of it. We would have a whole week of songs." Santana complained throwing her hands in the air as we all left the room. We all walked briskly to the auditorium in excitement. I felt a soft hand grab my wrist and pull me back.

"Hey..." It was Quinn. One of my closest friends. I was even there for Beth's birth. She asked me to.

"Hey what's up?" I ask nonchalantly. She looked at me and frowned.

"Why are you clothes all wet?" She asked with her nose wrinkled in disgust.

"Sebastian threw a slushie at me today.." I tell her while I frown as well. She shakes her head.

"What a douche. I thought he liked you..." How does she know?

"How do you know?" I ask suspiciously.

"Well Blaine told me because his Warbler friend told him. Only Artie, Mercedes, Blaine, Santana, and myself know. If that makes anything better.." Quinn says sheepishly as she shrugs her shoulders.

"It does.. And can I tell you something? I know I can trust you... I think I may like him back. Well I thought I did. Until he slushied Blaine and myself..." I admit with a blush. She gives me a side hug as I played with the hem of my shirt. We enter the auditorium and take the stage.

"Nice of you to show.." Artie states as the Warblers enter.

"Is whatever this is going to take long? I can't stand the stench of public schools.." Sebastian mentions. What a snob. Quinn pushes me forward slightly.

"It won't take long and all you have to do is sit and listen." I tell him. He looks up at me as his eyes brighten but soon become dull. He glances at me with sympathy written all over that beautiful-sickening face. I quickly look the other way to lose eye contact.

"We're not doing Michael for Regionals." Artie told them.

"I didn't think you would surrender that easily." Sebastian says with a smirk.

"We're tired of the fighting and backstabbing. We're show choirs. We're suppose to be supportive of each other." Kurt said while slightly chuckling.

"This is what we call taking the high road. Which I was shocked had nothing to do with marijuana." Puck says with his eyes wide. What a doof. I scoff and roll my eyes at his sharpness.

"Just because your doing Michael, doesn't mean you understand him." Artie explains.

"And you do?" Sebastian asked challenging.

"Yes. And we're about to show you." Mercedes answered as she crossed arms.

We began singing. We weren't just singing though. We were having fun. Dancing and singing around the stage. Soon enough, every Warbler joined, except Sebastian that is. The song ended as everyone laughed in joy.

"Very moving..." Sebastian said while clapping his hands slowly.

"Come on Sebastian, give it up.." Jeff told him.

"This is the kind of attitude that lost us Regionals last year." Sebastian said while pointing his finger at him.

"I could call the cops or your headmaster and get you kicked out of school and even arrested for assaulting Blaine with that slushie." Santana told him.

"All of this would just be awfully terrifying if you had any proof what so ever." Sebastian said while looking at us with s smug grin. I toss him the tape recorder.

"You mean like you on tape admitting to it?" I ask sweetly.

"But you know what? It just wouldn't be as fun winning Regionals if you weren't there to suffer in defeat." Kurt said while putting a hand on his hips.

"At least now, all of your teammates get to know exactly what kind of guy you really are." Santana told him while leaning her head on Brittany's shoulder.

"Now get the hell out if my auditorium."


"Schools out"

I quickly run up to meet Sebastian. I grab his arm and turn him around.

"You ruined my favorite shirt..." I told him while fiddling with the beverage behind my back.

"I'm sorry-"

"Save it... I usually wouldn't do this, but something in you changed me... And I don't know if it's good or bad but..." I tell him while looking up into his eyes.

"But what? Oh and I'm still not getting over that you called me a 'boy band wannabe'... Baby doll.." He said to me while biting his lower lip. He slowly leans down. Perfect opportunity.


The icy beverage gets all over him. I look at him and burst into a fit of giggles.

"Now we're even..." I say while patting his drenched gelled up hair.

"See ya soon babe...." I say with a chuckle before walking out of the auditorium. What am I getting myself into? I'm just leading him in even more. And he is being dicky. For the past week. Slushing Blaine and I. Making Blaine have surgery. Ruining my favorite shirt. But, I wouldn't mind. But babydoll? Really?

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