Chapter 12

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A/N I do not own Glee
"Oh my little girl has her first date!! Let me get your brothers down here. BOOOYSSS!!" My mom screeched as my brothers groaned and came downstairs. I cringed and rolled my eyes.

"Mom it's not a date. It's just a friendly hang out in which we attack each other with laser guns." I explain while crossing my arms in a playful manner. My mom looked behind me and squealed.

"Anyways, he's here!!" My mom said as she fixed her hair in the hallway mirror.

Diing Dooong

My mom rushed to the door a tried to "casually" open it.

"Hello there!" She greeted with a huge smile. Can this get any more embarrassing?

"Hello Mrs.Rodgers." Sebastian greeted with a charming smile. My mother gave a sincere smile.

"It's actually Ms.Rodgers, but nevertheless." She said as her perky mood arose back. He seemed a bit confused but still went with what my mother said.

"Well Ms.Rodgers, I'll be taking your ever so lovely daughter to a nice round of laser tag and to top it off I'm going to bring her out to a fine dinner at a restaurant of her choice." Sebastian said with a very polite tone as he explained the evening out to my ecstatic mother. Was I ecstatic? I was beyond that. I looked behind me to see my brothers all huddled in circle as if they were discussing a game plan for the Super Bowl.
Ben sighed as he puffed out his chest and walked over to us three.

"*clears throat* What are your intentions with our sister?" Ben asked with a face that makes you think, "if looks can kill, he would be dead.". Sebastian gulped and crutches the back of his head. Why was he acting nervous? He seemed to regain his composure as he took a breath.

"Well my intentions are to see a smile on her face as she enjoys herself tonight. I intend to make her feel like the happiest lady alive not just when I'm with her, but let it radiate off her and have a passing affect all the time. Not that she is ever sad." Sebastian explains as everyone, including myself, has their jaws touching the freshly vacuumed ( thanks mom) carpet.

"Uh well um. Don't want to keep you waiting now.....?"

"Sebastian. Sebastian Smythe. And it is truly a pleasure to be meeting Aria's family." Sebastian said as he shook my siblings hand.

"I'm Aria's twin brother Ben, this is Hunter, Frank, and George." Ben explained as he took Sebastian's hand in a firm shake.

"Well it was such a pleasure to be meeting you all, but we must bid our farewells and leave." Sebastian said as have my family a genuine smile and held my hand as we walked out to the car.

"Are they dating?"

"Nope. Aria said it was a hang out between two friends."

"Ouch friend zoned"

"Well Aria is the one who is a single Pringle"

"Never say that again"

"Yes mom"

"So um, where was your father?" Sebastian asked as he tried to make subtle conversation. I look over at him. He's wearing cargo shorts and a white t shirt that shows off his muscular chest and broad shoulders. Just kidding. Sebastian is just lean and tall with some muscle on those long arms. But he was wearing the shirt.

"Well uh. My dad is.. Have I told you about the car crash I was in?" I say trying to explain the complex story. Sebastian shook his head as he pulled into the laser tag parking lot.

"Looks like there's a group of kids going in. We could wait out here as you tell me this story." He says as he parks the car and gives me his full attention. For once in his life, he doesn't look like a smug cocky idiot, but a genuine dude who I was excited to go on a hang out with. And explain the story of one of the most fatal experience of in my seventeen years of living.

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