Chapter 21

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A/nN changing stuff about the show... again...and always

Blurry vision. Wet, hot streaks of tears down my cheeks. He left me.

"Aria? Aria? Hold on give her space. She needs some air." a smooth voice said with concern. I soon felt a hand on my upper back as I was guided out of the gym. I stumbled over myself as we walked outside. When the cold air hit my face, i looked up to see who brought me outside. Blaine.

"Shhhhhh. It's going to be okay." he said while shoving my face in his chest and stroking my hair. I let it all out. Probably stained his suit with my tears and mascara. Blaine and I both perked our heads up when we heard a set of footsteps run their way to our direction.

"Aria.... Can we talk?" Kurt stuttered out. The last person I want to see. I knitted my eyebrows together and shoved Blaine away.

"Why would I want to talk to you?" I spat out. He was taken back by that, but soon recovered. Blaine awkwardly walked back to the gym.

"I wanted to say sorry. For ruining your night. And having Sebastian break up with you. It's just that... You gotta see things from my point of view and -"

"Kurt, I-I have no words for you. I get what happened. I get why you would see him as a dick, but if we're talking seeing things from each others point of view, then see it through mine. He was the best thing anyone could have, and I betrayed him. I didn't stick up for him. ". I betrayed him, and it wasn't the other way around. He was right. I should be disgusted with myself. Kurt sighed.

"Aria. Look, we been through this before, your friends or him." He said while running a hand through his hair. I scoffed.

"Kurt it doesn't have to be that way. Sure he did you dirty, but get to know-"

"He did all of us dirty!" Kurt exclaimed. I was not about to have the same argument again. I started walking away from Kurt and from the gym. The rest of the seniors from New Directions came outside. Quinn tried approaching me but I dodged her. I shook my head and began to run out in the street. The last thing I saw of them was everyone's eyes go wide.

"Aria stop!!!" Kurt yelled out. My head whipped to the bright headlights. I didn't get a chance to run out the way. I didn't even try to run out the way. My body froze as I awaited what would happen in a matter of nanoseconds. Time didn't pass by slow. Soon enough, the silver car collided with me. Blackness engulfed me and robbed my sense of hearing and sight.

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