Tongue Tied

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I search for words to express my love
But they seem to escape me
Like butterflies fluttering above
My heart aches to set them free

I try to write them down on paper
But the ink just won't flow
My feelings, like a hidden caper
Refuse to let themselves show

I want to tell you how much you mean
But my tongue becomes tied
My mind goes blank, like a movie screen
And my heart just wants to hide

I wish I could find the perfect phrase
To make you understand
The depth of love that my heart displays
But words slip through like sand

I could compare you to the stars above
Or the ocean's endless blue
But even those, my love, fall short of
Describing my feelings for you

For my love for you is beyond words
It's a feeling that can't be contained
It's like a symphony of singing birds
That in my heart, forever will remain

So forgive me if I can't find the words
To tell you how much I truly care
Just know that my love for you, like a bird
Will always be soaring, forever in the air.

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