A Love Found

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In a tapestry of vibrant hues,
A love blooms, a flame that imbues.
A spark ignited, a gentle embrace,
A treasure cherished, with every trace.

Like stars that adorn the celestial expanse,
Your love shines bright, a radiant trance.
A beacon of warmth, a guiding light,
Dispelling shadows, making darkness take flight.

Your laughter echoes like music in my ears,
A symphony that banishes all fears.
Your touch sends shivers down my spine,
An electric surge, a love divine.

In your eyes, I see a reflection of my soul,
A mirror of desire, a love that makes me whole.
Your presence fills me with a profound delight,
A treasure I hold dear, with all my might.

Through life's uncertain path, we walk side by side,
Our love our compass, our unwavering guide.
Together we conquer, together we grow,
A bond unbreakable, an eternal glow.

So let us cherish this love we've found,
A tapestry of joy, forever wound.
For in your arms, I find my true destiny,
A love that gives meaning and sets my spirit free.

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