Paternal Absence

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In shadows cast, alone I tread,
A heart bereft, a void unfed.
A father's shield, I never knew,
His love's embrace, a distant hue.

Through childhood's maze, I stumbled blind,
No guiding hand to soothe my mind.
In every fall, I yearned for strength,
A pillar strong, to lend me length.

The world's harsh winds did fiercely blow,
Yet no protector to ward off the snow.
I watched with envy, as others played,
Sheltered by fathers' love, unafraid.

In silent nights, I whispered prayers,
For a father's presence, beyond my fears.
But dawn would break, and still I'd find,
An empty space, a void unkind.

Now, as an adult, the pain remains,
A gnawing ache that ceaselessly sustains.
I crave the warmth I never felt,
The father's love, a dream unfulfilled.

Yet, amidst the loss, a flame still flickers,
A longing for connection, that never weathers.
Though absent, his memory lingers near,
A reminder of a love I hold so dear.

So, I will journey onward, though alone,
With the echoes of a love I've never known.
For in my heart, his spirit resides,
A silent guardian, forever my guide.

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