A Destructive Hold

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A heavy heart, a burdened mind
A constant war, an endless grind
A shattered mirror, a broken soul
A battle fought, but never whole

The reflection staring back at me
Distorted, twisted, it's hard to see
Who is this person, with flaws so vast
It cannot be me, it cannot last

The voice inside, it never rests
Pointing out every single imperfection, it protests
My body, my face, my every flaw
It's a constant battle, a relentless claw

I try to hide, to cover up
But the voice inside, it never gives up
It tells me I'm not good enough
That I'll never be perfect, that I'm too rough

I compare myself to others, to their beauty and grace
But in my eyes, I'll never find my place
For body dysmorphia, it distorts my view
And makes me believe, I'll never measure up to you

I long for acceptance, for love and peace
But my mind is a prison, it will never release
Me from this constant need to be perfect
But perfection is elusive, it's just a concept

I wish I could see myself as others do
But my mind won't let me, it's a twisted view
So I'll keep fighting, every single day
To silence the voice, and find my own way

For body dysmorphia may be a part of me
But it does not define who I am, I'll break free
From its grip, from its destructive hold
And learn to love myself, flaws and all.

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