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Trophys POV:

"ugh.. i still cant believe Plati made me move.. i guess it was for the better?"  I  mumbled under my breath. I pressed the doorbell on the hotel, it seemed more like a big mansion now that i think about it, but apparently in the description of this place it said that others do live here.. like a shared mansion?? eh, i hope its fine

the door gets cracked open, before being swung open. carefully colliding with the wall next to it, the person who opened the door seemed around Trophy's hight, ginger hair and green eyes, his name tag said 'Orange Juice'  must be the hotel manager or something

"welcome to the hotel!.. err.."
"trophy's my name"
i said as i placed the box in my hands to only one of my arms to reach out my arm and give him a handshake, before looking somewhat surprised accepted the hand shake with a warm smile
"i hope you wont mind that all of the residents in this hotel need to share a room with someone, theres only one person who doesnt have a rooma-"
No ones POV:

"Who's the new guy?"
Cheesy asked hesitantly, appearing from behind OJ
OJ somewhat startled answered
"oh! this will be one of the new residents! coincidentally you'll be sharing rooms with him!

"ooohh!! a roomie? well its very ice to meet you!"
Cheesy said while doing a salute motion

Trophy hated puns..
he already hated what he was getting himself into..
but.. for some reason.. it didnt seem like he hated cheesy?

-249 words-

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