A Sleepover - Chapter 3 #2/2

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Also sorry if things are rlly ooc, im feeling dry today.
Microphones pov:

"Alright!! Is everything prepared?"
I ask everyone

"Yeah pretty sure."
Soap says

(Random thing i did, is instead of soap being obsessed with cleaning, she just does it to comfort her, so she isnt much of a germaphobe)

🎤: "Okay! So what do you guys wanna do first?"

🧀: "ooh! What about a movie!"

🎤: "everyone alright with that?"

Everyone nodded, guess its settled then!

🏆: "okay, but which movie??"

Thats a good point.. Bee movie?.. No..   A sit-com?? Nah.. And those are usually series.
A romance!!

🎤: "how about a romance??"

🧀: "i dont have a problem with it! What about you trophy?"

🏆: "oh, uh.. Yeah sure."
(Hes tired leave him alone 😔)

🧴: "yeah, sounds good!"

Alright then!

I get up and walk over to the tv, (YES I GAVE THEM A TV SO WHAT.) i start looking for the remote in the drawer thats underneath the tv, and eventually find it.

Me and trophy push the beds together and everyone sits down

Soap sits inbetween my legs (heheh microphone is taller than soap by like 5,6cm)

And cheesy sits next to trophy,

Im not gonna lie they look really gay together. But whateverr

I pick up the remote and click on netflix,

After a few minutes i finally find something that looks good. Its a queer romance movie, which is good!

The movie starts to play and i put the remote away

Trophys pov:

This movie is kinda boring.. I guess its not that bad, if cheesy likes it.

I look over to cheesy and see that he seems really into the movie, he really does like it, i wonder why..
(Hes imagining the queer boys as him and trophy)

Around 30 minutes into the movie i remember that we dont have any snacks, i turn around and signal to microphone to pause it, snapping cheesy out his trance

🏆: "We- uh, dont have any snacks."

🧀: "oh yeah- thats briecause we forgot-"

🎤: "oh.. Yeah-"

🏆 *sigh* "me and cheesy will go downstairs and get some stuff, dont continue the movie."

Cheesy grabs my hand (its a normal habit now lol) and takes me downstairs with him, he's so adorable.. I cant even deny it anymore.


"Trophy?? Trophster? You there??"

"Oh- uh. Yeah, yeah i am"

"Great! Now, do we bring cookies or chips?"

".. How about just both?"

"Oohh! Yeahh! Lets do that!"

Someone seems excited.

I chuckle and get both snacks from the top shelf
(Its put up there cause most of the trouble makers are short, so they cant reach them :3)

As we walk back upstairs cheesy grabs my arm, knowing i cant resist due toholding all the stuff,

We enter the room and see soap cuddling against microphone, using her phone. Probably waiting for us.

Eugh, girls.

Anyways, we sit down and put the snacks next to us, opening the chips, i put it on my lap.

I sit back against the pillows, and relax. Soap puts her phone away and  microphone starts the movie again,

🎤: "oh, i'll be right back, you guys can continue the movie. Soap, i quickly wanna tell you something"

🧴: "oh, sure"

Microphone and soap left the room, leaving me and cheesy alone.

I put the chips to the side, having enough

Cheesys pov:

I see that trophy put away the chips and try to reach over, i cant reach them though, hmm....

🧀: "Oh!"

🏆: *yawn* "huh what?"

I scoot myself closer to trophy, trying to reach for the bag of chips, failing, i faall down onto trophys lap.

Why do i have to be so small? :(

Trophy is a lot warmer though,


Oh wait im on trophy.

I get up and sit back next to trophy, glancing at him a few times.

I suddenly feel an arm wrap around me.

Trophys pov:

Well, i know i was flustered while je was on me.. But did he have to get off?

I thought as i wrapped my arm around him, pulling him closer.

His head rested on chest as leaned back.

"Is this uncomfortable cheesy?"

"No.. Its not. Maybe its a briet more comfortable than before though!"

"Alright then."

-time skip to a few minutes later cause YES.-

Microphone and soap are finally back, i hear quiet snoring though, i look down and see cheesy sleeping on me, cute

🏆: "hey, guys. Maybe we should stop the movie for now? Cheesy fell asleep"

🎤: "yeah su- wait.. Do you care about cheesy?"


I whisper-yelled pointing at a very tired cheesy sleepint on me


🎤: ".. Fair point."

During the talking soap had already taken the TV off,

-'nother time skip cuz no motivation-

Soap and microphone were already asleep and i slowly started dozing iff and hugged cheesy slightly tighter towards me.

Before i fully went unconcious i whispered something.

"I love you cheesy"

This was short cause i didnt have many ideas with this and cause im lazy n sick rn :(


-words: 886-

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