The confession - chapter 4

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Look. I know this is kinda fast paced. Only showing parts of where the two hang out and be gay for eachother. BUT, I, THE LITERAL AUTHOR- CANT WAIT. (Im a pretty patient person)
So imma just feed us all and do this.


Trophys pov:

"Do i have to do this?"
I said to platinum as he helped me tie my tie,

"Yes Trophy. You've been talking about him non-stop! Just get with him already."

"But what if he says no? What if he just laughs?? This feels like a mista- STOP SHAKING ME"

"no. Im tryna shake the straight and paranoia outta you."

"Jeez.. Okay, i'll do it!"

"Great job! Now go pick him up. The food and everything is already prepared. It would be a shame to just let it go to waste."

I chuckled and hugged plati

"I love you"

"Right back at ya lil bro. Now go get your man!"

I smiled as i pulled away, and dusted my suit off as i walked over to my car.

(Looked like this)

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(Looked like this)

I glanced once more behind me to see platinum walking back into his house,

I entered the car and put my key into the hole, twisting it and starting up the car.
(Istg if i get dirty comments)

I take a deep breath and mutter to myself

"Lets do this."

-timeskip to when trophy is there to pick cheesy up-

I leave my car, making sure to lock it. I put the key into my pocket as i enter the hotel with both hands in my pockets

💡: "ooh! Fellow-yellow! Why are you lookin soo.. Uhhh.. uhhhhh"

🖌️: "Fancy?"

💡: "yeah! Fancy!"

🏆: "none of your business guys."

I walked off.

🖌️: ".. Trophy seems awfully.. Off, today? He usually yells at you if you ask him something"

💡: "yehh.. das true.. OMGAH- BAXTER JUST DID A ROLL!!"

-back to trophy-

I walk up the stairs to my room, i knock on the door before coming in.

🧀: "oh- hey trophste- whats with the fancy look?"

🏆: "Nothing special, i just want you to come with me for a little while, hang out basically. You busy?"
(Said the gay who is going to confess)

🧀: "oh! Not really! And sure! Lets go!"

Cheesy gets up and grabs my hand as he walks out of the room, i quickly shut the door before being pulled by cheesy.

We walk down the stairs and through the living room, exiting the hotel.

🏆: "i got a special place on where we can go, just get in the car"

🧀: "uh- okay!"

Me and cheesy enter the car (cheesy has to sit in the back lol) and i start the car up twisting the key while its in the hole,

-'nother time skip to when they're back in trophys hometown-

🏆: "We're here"

🧀: "Yaay!! Finally.."

Cheesys pov:

Why does this place look so.. Fancy?
Im not complaining..
This just.. Isnt like Trophy.

Whats going on?

🧀: "This place is so pretty!!"

🏆: "pretty like you.."

🧀: "huh, what did you say?"

🏆: "nothing important, dont worry."

🧀: "uhhh.. Okay!"

Me and Trophy walk over to the picnic blanket that was layed down, it had a nice white and gold checkered pattern.

We sat down and he pulled the picnic basket closer to him, as he dug through the basket, he pulled out a pretty well-made sandwich, that i snatched from him


I yelled as i did so.
I stuffed it in my mouth and started chewing as trophy sighed, taking out another sandwich

I wonder why a picnic though, maybe he knew these were my favorite?

I take another bite of my sandwich as i glance over to trophy, it makes me blush everytime i look at him honestly

I start saying some funny puns to him, making him chuckle and smile time-to-time

🏆: "hey uh cheesy? I gotta tell you something"

🧀: "oh! Sure! But how about one more joke?"

🏆: ".. Yeah sure, go ahead."

🧀: "okay! Here it goes!"


🧀: "Why was the tomato blushing at the picnic?"

🏆: "i dont know, why?"

🧀: "cause it saw the salad dressing!"

I kneeslapped after that pun, making trophy giggle,

🧀: "what did you want to say by the way?"

Trophy twiddled with his thumbs before clearing his throat and beginning to speak

Noones pov:

🏆: "look cheesy. We've known eachother for a few months now, almost a year. And i dont know any other way on how to tell you this.."

"I love you."

"I love your smile, your laugh, your cute tooth gap, your amber eyes, your face generally. Your body, too. I- just- dont know anymore what to do. I get butterflies when i see you, its badically like hearts above my head when i get to hug you."

"I've never had this feeling before, and i probably never will have it again. If you dont like me back then its okay i hope we could still be frie-"

Trophy got cut off by a kiss on the lips, alongside a tackle-hug. Throwing him onto the ground, after a few seconds of the kiss
Cheesy speaks.

"I love you! I love you too!"

Cheesy was crying tears of joy as he kept on kissing trophys face,

It took a moment for it to make sense but once it did, trophy wrapped his hands around cheesys waist and hugged him tighter.


Platinums pov:

im so happy i got a video of that!
Probably gonna tease trophy with it later lol

i finished the end of this at a public swimming pool-

-words: 960-

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