Coach's kid- Inês Bettencourt

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I flipped around on my bed sleepily since I hadn't gotten more sleep from the night before, a few minutes later I heard my phone ring, I groaned and picked it up. It was my dad.

"Hey dad." I say with a tired tone of voice

"Hey peanut! Were you sleeping, is this a bad time?" He asked

"No, it's not, I thought you had practice," I said

"I do. I was calling to ask a favor, you still have that camera I got you for Christmas?" I muttered a "yeah"

"Our photographer called out on us, we need pictures for the media. Think you could swing by?" He asked, I looked at the clock

"Yeah sure, I'll be there." I hung up the phone out rose out of bed and started getting ready. Once I finished I headed to the second floor where the locker room and court was, when I looked through the window I saw the girls doing stretches and layups, when I opened the door it made a loud noise so all the girls turned to look at me, I gripped my camera and walked to the nearest chair and sat my things down. A few minutes the girls go back to doing what they were, after a little my dad walked in, he rounded the girls up including me. "Girls since George couldn't make it, I had to find a replacement, Y/N will be taking pictures for the media." He said with his hand on my shoulder, I cleared my throat and stuck my hand up "hi, I'm Y/N" the girls look at each other. "Like Y/N Auriemma? Coach's kid?" A blonde girl says, a girl with black braces, "uh, yeah, my dad!" I say signaling my hand in my dad's direction.

After the girls introduced themselves, I sat down and watched them play, occasionally taking photos when I saw a good opportunity. A little after I got off of my phone I watched the girl's scrimmage; a girl who I know knew as Inês ran up beside me grabbing her water bottle and sitting down. "Hey," she said taking a drink and putting it down. "Hi, you guys are really good at basketball," I complimented, "thanks, your dad's a good coach," Inês stated tearing her eyes away from me and focused on the scrimmage, "hey you're not from here, are you?" I blurted out trying to make conversation. Inês turns back to me "uhm, no. I moved here from Portugal, I'm kinda getting used to it." She explains, I nod my head, "have you been to the fro-yo shop yet?" I asked, she shook her head. I jokingly dropped my jaw in shock, "oh my God, I have to take you sometime." Her smile somehow got bigger "I'd like that," a little after Paige ran up to grab her water as well, "you play hard as hell!" I chuckled turning my attention to Paige, "got stamina like that." I could tell she was from Minnesota because of her accent. "How does it feel being coach's daughter, is he mean?" Nika said moving her head forward to face me, "I didn't even see you there! He might seem really strict but literally everything that comes out of his mouth is a joke," I pick up my camera and take a picture of Aaliyah scoring a goal.

After the girls finished their practice we all exchanged numbers, when I got back to my dorm room I couldn't stop thinking about Inês. I couldn't stop looking at her the whole time either, something in me was totally drawn to her and I couldn't figure it out, I was snapped out of my thoughts when a ping came from my phone, speak of the devil.


Hey, it's Inês

Hey Inês, are you okay?

Yeah, uhm did you still wanna get frozen yogurt Saturday?

Yeah! I have nothing to do so whatever time

Perfect, have a good night🤍

I threw my phone away from my reach and kick my legs up in the air, this week was going so much better.

"Bro you put a heart?!" Paige laughs which made me laugh, "I think someone has a crush!" Nika jumps over the couch and sticks her entire nose in my phone, "have a good night?!" She says mocking my text, "whatever, I'm going to bed." I chuckle walking to my room "got a big day tomorrow!" KK yells, "it's Tuesday!" I retorted.

I woke up extra early to get ready for the day, even though I had nothing to do, I decided to go eat breakfast and see my dad, I walk into the dining hall and see the girls all sitting together, Inês spotted me with my tray in hand trying to find a place to sit, she called my name and signaled for me to come and sit with her. I walk beside the empty chair, "could I sit here?" I asked fiddling with the ends of my chair, Paige looked at me like someone wrote "idiot" on my forehead "girl if you don't sit down," I laugh and sit down. Inês looks at me "hey, I like what you did with your hair," I blush at her compliment, "thank you," I say grinning from ear to ear. "Oh Y/N, we're going live," "fine with me!" I say stabbing my fork into my omelette, "heyyy live!" KK says while doing a little dance, "did I see Y/N? Y'all wanna see her?" She turns the phone towards me, I waved with a smile since I had food in my mouth, after laughing with the girls and getting looks from the people around us, we all go our separate ways, I made a beeline to my dad's office trying not to get distracted.

I knocked on the door and heard a voice "come in!" I opened the door, "hi dad," I greet while sitting down in one of the chairs in front of him, "hey peanut, what's up?" He asked, I shook my head "nothing really, what about you?" I smack my lips together. "Uhm I'm meeting up with a friend later," he pushed his glasses down to the bridge of his nose, he let a snort sneak out "I do!" I scoffed "I believe you! With who, peanut?" I rest my palm so my fingers are over my mouth. "Inês." I say nonchalantly hoping he wouldn't make a big deal, "as in Inês Bettencourt?" I smiled awkwardly "yep," I leaned back in my chair. "She's a good kid," he says and starts flipping through papers again. "Okay, you're not mad?" He shakes his head, "not at all," I raise my eyebrow, then put them down, "see you later, dad," I say opening the door "later peanut, I love you!" He yells, I chuckle "I love you too!"

Around 5:00 I started getting ready, I fixed my hair since it got messed up from my nap earlier, then I put on a simple outfit and waited for Inês to pick me up. A little while later I heard a knock on my door, I walked to it and opened it, "hey! I didn't know which ones you like so I got a mix," she hands me a bouquet of flowers. "You didn't have me flowers, Inês. Thank you," I say staring at my flowers, "I'll be right back," I walk to my kitchen and fill a vase with water, I put my flowers in there and run back out. "Okay I'm ready!" I say cheerfully, Inês holds her hand out, I gladly put mine in hers. When we got out to the parking lot Inês opens the passenger door for me, I swiftly get in followed by a soft "thank you". "Do you want the aux?" I take the wire from her and putting it in my charger port, "Love Story" by Taylor Swift starts playing, I speak up before the chorus "I really like this song, it's my favorite." I whisper and turn my attention back to the road in front of me. When we made it there Inês opened my door "thank you," I say a bit louder this time, we walked into the colorful frozen yogurt shop, I could see the screws in her brain turning "uh, you like vanilla?" She asked "yeah, I just put like a bunch of toppings on." She nods, when we get to the register, Inês takes out her card, I pull her busy hand down "I insist, and plus I already swiped it." She swipes her card, I giggle "you're too fast for me!" I laugh as we walk out and sit on one of the picnic tables, "how do you like UCONN?" I asked since a few minutes had gone by. "I like it, I miss home all the time but the girls are the best teammates ever," I nod my head with a smile on my face, "you guys play really well together," She smiles widely. After we finish we went back to her car, she did the same rituals as before; opening my door, I say thank you, we drive away. When we got to my dorm, I went to open my door but then stopped, "I had a lot of fun with you tonight," I blurted out, her smile grew wider "me too, maybe we could do this again?" I smile and nod my head, "of course." And with that, I fell asleep with Inês in my head.

This was choppy, I didn't like it

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