Caroline Ducharme

592 9 0

I walked towards the back of the court, ball in hand. I could hear cheering from my friends and others, but I tuned them all out partially because I was still smiling, I threw the volleyball in the air and hit it. It went over, the cheering got even louder, I set myself in position, ready to send the ball back over and earn my team points. I had my eye on the ball when a number 5 from the apposing team spiked the ball all the way over, I ran over to the ball and hit it across the net without stepping out of line. The crowd got louder and the referee blew his whistle; we'd won. My teammates all ran up to me hugging me and jumping up and down, when we calmed down I turned to the crowd, I hadn't noticed they'd all been here, "the basketball team showed up?" I asked and everyone started laughing.

After I'd gotten back to my dorm and showered, I heard a knock on my door. I walked to the door, my footsteps audible with every step I took, Caroline was there, with flowers? "Hey Carol, uhm are you okay?" I asked her since it was almost the middle of the night, she smiled "oh yeah, no, I'm good. You played really well tonight, so I wanted to bring you flowers," I smiled brightly and leaned against my door frame. "Aw, thanks Carol. You're so sweet!" I beam while admiring my flowers, I reached my hands out and hugged her, she smiled, I smiled. We shared a brief "good night" and she walked back to her car.

I'm so sorry this was short but I literally couldn't think of anything else to add. If you want a part two let me know :)

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