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When Kara got back to her office she had tear stained cheeks, opening the door she walked silently to her desk and sat down grabbing another piece of pizza and avoiding eye contact with anyone. "Kara? What's wrong?" Lena asked softly. "Madison." Kara replied. "Madison? Who's Madison?" Lena asked softly. Kara got up from her chair and sat down beside Lena and Alex on the end of the couch. "She's the woman who left my hospital room before I could purpose to her." Kara deadpanned. "What's that bitch doing here?" Alex snapped. "Come to visit her fiancé apparently. She was shocked to find out I was working here. So I snapped at her. I used her own words against her." Kara stated biting into another slice of pizza.

Lena was hesitant about showing any sort of comfort but when Alex nodded towards Kara she knew it was ok. Ever so slowly Lena put her arm around Kara and rubbed her shoulder. "If you'd like to take the rest of the day off, it's ok." Lena cooed. "No. I'll be fine." Kara replied. Alex noticed that she made no attempt to move from Lena's touch, that alone made the older Danvers smile to herself. It was clear that Lena's kind gesture was working on the blonde. Lena was just the thing to get Kara back in her groove so to speak.

"Kar...I'm gonna head out ok?" Alex stated. "Yea...see ya later Al." Kara replied looking up at her. When Alex left Kara remained where was. "So you said you fixed my holes in security? How did you do that so quickly?" Lena asked trying to make conversation. Kara sat up turning to look at her before speaking. "I made a new set of codes to tie up loose ends. Then I made a new set of codes to check for anymore bugs. When I found out there weren't any, I took the liberty of putting in a back door so you could access it with a security passcode so you can check on my work." Kara explained. "Can you show me?" Lena asked excitedly. Kara nodded quickly grabbing her laptop off the desk and sat it on her lap moving closer to Lena.

"Look here. This is where I found your issue. You didn't know it but you were accidentally leaking personal information on your employees. So I made this code here...to fix that issue. Then after running several tests on it I finalized it with some homemade codes....here and managed to retrieve all the leaked files on your employees. That's when I made the back door...here. And only you and I will have access to it. You'll have access not only on your desktop in your office, but on your laptop in your personal lab and your tablet you have. Do you have any questions?" Kara asked as she turned to look at Lena.

"Yes. How did you do that so fast? How did you know about my electronics? And do you want me to move Madison's fiancé to another department? And why would she tell you were a broken and unlovable woman? The last one you don't need to answer." Lena stated. Kara looked at the woman for a moment. Really looked at her. She looked for any sign of pity, or alternative motives. Surpassingly she didn't find a single one. Lena was just being genuinely friendly...something Kara hadn't known in a long time.

"I did it so fast, because I'm good at my work. It doesn't take a genius to figure out cyber security. I knew about your electronics as you put it because when you sat down at the table yesterday you had a bag on your arm. Inside it had a tablet. I didn't need to search it to know that. I saw the glare off the sun. You really should consider getting a UV case for it. As for your desktop it's only natural that a CEO who's worth their money would have an up to date desktop computer with and I'm guessing here...you have two monitors attached to it. Now onto your personal lab. I did my own research on you and I put two and two together. I mean I just wasn't a K9 soldier in the Marines. I used to be a sniper, and even learned to profile people. It was apart of my job. I had to learn everything about a target, where they shopped, ate out, their way home, work. Their habits." Kara explained.

"You were a sniper? Maybe I should have hired you as my personal bodyguard..." Lena said jokingly. "Are you in need of a body guard Lena?" Kara asked with a serious tone. "Oh...no! I was just joking." Lena explained. Kara nodded in response. "As for Madison's fiancé I'm sure it'll be fine. I'll stay out of her way when she's visiting. Is there anything else you'd like to talk about?" Kara asked. "Do you see yourself as unlovable? And or broken?" Lena asked. Kara just looked out into space for a few minutes before standing up.

"I do. Even with all the therapy, and heart to heart to heart talks from Alex and Eliza I still cannot see myself dating anyone ever again. And before you tell me that not everyone's like Madison...just stop because I've heard it for the past two years. I know that there is a chance albeit be a small chance that there is someone out there in the world who will look at me and see past the prosthetic leg and the scars. I also know that when that person comes into my life I'll be too blind to see them, so I'll push them away." Kara explained. "Maybe they'll notice you're pushing them away because you're afraid of getting hurt and they'll fight for you. They'll tell you everyday that you a perfect human being and it doesn't matter about your scars or the prosthetic leg. Been all they'll see is the woman who saved multiple lives in a hell zone. They'll see someone who's a computer nerd who can make code within minutes to fix countless holes in a business security system. And they'll see how selfless you are even when it comes to complete strangers.  They'll also see the wonderful sister you are and how caring you are to Sirius. When they come along Kara you'll know immediately." Lena stated.

Kara sat back down at her desk and remained silent. "I'll leave you to it. I've got a few meetings to get to. Have a good rest of your day Kara." Lena added as she stood up and left the blonde's office. Kara looked at her as she left. "You too Lena..thank you for lunch. Next time it's on me!" Kara added. Lena nodded and smiled at her before shutting the door behind her. Once the door was shut Kara felt her head fall back against the chair as she let the words sink into her head. "Fuck!" Kara groaned as she reached into her desk taking out a hidden piece of paper and reading it. "Double Fuck!" Kara grumbled.

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