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A few days later and a few thousand applications later Lena and Sam with the help of Kara found two new security officers. They were both former military and they both had experience with bomb dogs which was Kara's idea. "Welcome to L Corp Mr. Mathew's and Miss Anderson. I hope we will be able to work together well, especially after my last security team was so terrible." Lena stated. "We will make you proud Miss Luthor, especially when Miss Danvers here is overseeing everything." Mr. Mathews replied. "I'm glad to hear that." Lena replied. "Is there anything else you need of us Miss Luthor?" Miss Anderson asked. "No. You two are dismissed." Lena replied as they walked out of her office.

Kara sat in her office going over a few things when her phone rang alerting her to Lena calling her. "Hey Lee!" Kara greeted. "Hey Kara! What would you like for lunch? It'll just be us Sam is going to have lunch with Alex and Jess is going to have lunch  her girlfriend." Lean replied. "I'm ok with whatever Lee." Kara replied. "Ok...I'll order something if you want to head over here early it's ok with me." Lena added. "Ok...I'll be there in a minute." Kara replied as she ended the call.

A few minutes later Kara was sitting on the sofa in Lena's office. "So Kara, hows your day going?" Lena asked as she sat next to her. "Good, apart from being asked out twice today." Kara replied. "Oh? By who?" Lena asked. "Miranda Anderson and Mike Mathews...he seemed disappointed when I told him I was gay. And well Miranda got grumpy when I said I had a dog...she's a cat person." Kara replied chuckling to herself. That smile, that laugh. Lena loved it all. She loved everything about Kara Danvers, from her personality to Sirius and everything in between. She just didn't know how to express her feelings.

"You'll just have to find someone who likes dogs." Lena replied. "I've found people who like dogs, but don't like my personality or lifestyle. It's difficult to find someone who likes it all, ya know." Kara replied. Lena wanted to scream 'I DO! IT'S ME! I'M THAT PERSON!' But she didn't instead she nodded and said. "I'm sure they're out there somewhere, who knows...they may be working in this building." Lena replied. "It's a possibility. There are some nice women here. I've caught the attention of most of them, just walking into the building most days I get spoken to or asked out, unless I'm walking in with you." Kara admits. "Oh? Why does that stop them from approaching you?" Lena asked.

Kara laughed as she thought about what she was told. "Apparently there's a rumor going around that you and I are dating. On the days we walk in to work together no one bothers me at all." Kara replied. "Really? Do you know who started the rumor?" Lena asked. "I have no idea. I've asked around and no one has said anything. I'm sure it'll go away in a while." Kara replied with a smile. "I ordered us a pizza it says it's arriving soon." Lena replied looking at her phone. "Oh cool." Kara replied.

There was tension in the air now. However no one dared say a word about what they were thinking. "So..what about you Lee?" Kara asked. "What about me?" Lena replied. "Pizza for Miss Luthor!" The delivery boy said. "Thanks!" Lena replied. She sat back down and opening the box. Kara was getting them two glasses of water before quickly returning to the sofa again. "Looks good." Kara stated. "What were you talking about just now?" Lena asked. "Oh...yes...that..." Kara replied. "What about me Kara?" Lena asked again. "Have you been asked out any dates? Or been asked out in general?" Kara asked.

"Nope. Women seem to be intimidated by me for some reason." Lena replied. "Oh? All women or most women? Cause I am not intimidated by you at all. I mean on the outside you're all prickly and stuff, but once I got to know you I realized you're just a teddy bear." Kara replied. "I am not a teddy bear!" Lena quipped as she gently slapped Kara's arm. "Ouch! And yes you are! Trust me! I've seen you with my dog and have even slept over enough to know this." Kara replied. Lena's blush didn't go unnoticed by Kara. "I can say the same about you Kara!" Lena replied. "Except I'm not a teddy bear...I'm a marshmallow." Kara replied jokingly.

"So..what is the real reason you turn women down? It can't be just because they don't like dogs or something. So what is it?" Lena asked as she grabbed another slice of pizza. Kara took a long sip of her water as she thought of what to say. "Honestly...I turn them down because..." Kara trailed off. "Because what Kara?" Lena asked as she leaned into Kara. "Well...there's already someone I'm interested in. I just haven't had the time to do something about it." Kara replied. "So what? You need a day off? Or a week or something?" Lena asked. "Nope...nothing like that, I just need to grow some courage to say something." Kara replied. "Who is it? Do I know them?" Len asked. Kara went to answer but was saved by Alex calling her. "Hey Al! What's up?" Kara asked. Lena let out a huff as she remained on the couch as Kara stood up and began walking around her office with her phone on her ear.

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