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Now the three of them sat in Kara's office examining the lists Kara told them about. Sam had the criteria list and Lena had the list of possible candidates Alex had made up. "Hmm?" Sam said to herself. "What?" Lena asked. "I know someone who fits all this!" Sam replied. Kara sat behind her desk with her headphones on her ears as she began working again. She didn't need to hear them talking she already knew what they were saying. "Who is it?" Lena asked. "You of course! Here look!" Sam said handing the paper over. Lena examined it carefully reading everything twice over before her head snapped up to look at Kara. "This can't be!" Lena whispered. "Oh but it is! And look your name is on the list too. Number three!" Sam added. This caused both woman to stare at Kara intensely.

Sensing she was being watched Kara paused her audio book and looked up. "Something wrong?" She asked. "We figured out the perfect woman is for you!" Sam exclaimed. "Oh? And who is she?" Kara asked rolling her eyes. "Before I say anything what's your type?" Sam asked. "Tall, intelligent, dark hair, has a sense of humor, likes dogs..." Kara said. "Anything else? Do you want kids?" Sam asked. "Yes. But I'm not gonna be your babymomma Sam. We just only met." Kara replied causing Sam to laugh. "So you want a family?" Sam asked. "Yes. It would be nice. Maybe two kids. Why all the questions?" Kara asked.

"Just curious. I want to know if the person I'm thinking of is your type." Sam replied. "Oh...I see...ok then." Kara replied. "So? Anything else?" Sam asked. "Well it'd be great if said woman had a job of some sort. Perhaps enjoyed weekend get always...but most of all she'd have to see me for me...she'd have to be able to look past the missing limb." Kara explained. "I think she's the perfect fit for you!" Sam stated looking at Lena. "Don't you think Lee?" Sam asked. "Huh...oh yeah...perfect fit..." Lena replied.

"Too bad you're not gonna date for six months though." Sam added. "That's just a by line...it's just there to give me time to move out of Alex's apartment and make my own feel like home. If and it's a big IF... I meet this mystery person...I'd give them a chance...but I doubt anyone like that is out there." Kara replied. Sam looked at Lena with a sympathetic look. "You never know Kara. Oh but look at the time! I've got to go back to work! Thanks again for lunch Kara! Next time it'll be on me!" Sam replied.

Lena remained in the office for a little while longer enjoying siting in silence with Kara. "So? Do you think there's someone out there?" Kara asked. "Honestly I think there's someone for everyone! I mean...who cares what the list says...you'll know it's right by the way you feel when you look at them. Or maybe you'll see them out with friends and you'll get this overwhelming desire to punch them in the face because yo know that you only want her lips to kiss yours, her hands to hold yours, her body next to yours...ya know." Lena explained. Kara couldn't help the damn butterflies that were back at home in her stomach as Lena talked. All she thought of was how she wanted Lena's lips on her lips, Lena's hand in hers, and worst of all she wanted Lena's body pressed up against her own.

"Yea...I understand. That's something I never felt with...Madison." Kara admitted softly as she joined Lena on the sofa. Lena reached over and put her hand on Kara's and gently squeezed it. "I'm sure you'll feel it with this new woman." Lena replied with a smile. She was on the edge...the wind blowing in her hair...her blue eyes looked over the ocean...then she fell! Fell into the blue green ocean that resembled Lena's eyes. Kara had fallen for Lena...hard. "I should get back to work..so we all can get out of here on time." Lena replied. "Yea...ok." Kara replied offering her a smile. "I'll see you later Kara. Thanks again for lunch...and breakfast." Lena replied before walking out the door.

Work was hard to concentrate on for the two women on both sides of the top floor. One was thinking about just jumping into the unknown and asking the other out while the other was thinking of how she could get the other to dance with her. Lena wanted nothing more than to run into Kara's office and kiss her...but she knew she had to go slow. While Kara was thinking about pinning Lena up against the wall in her office and marking her neck up.

Hours ticked by and it was nearing time to go to the bar. Lena had Sam go get them so causal clothes to wear while Kara was packing her things up in her office. Sam burst through Lena's office doors with two bags of clothes in her hands. "Here! Change! It's almost time to meet Kara!" Sam exclaimed tossing Lena a bag. A few minutes later they walked out of the bathroom in new outfits. Sam had on a skirt with a tight shirt on and black boots, while Lena had on tight blue jeans, heels and a tank top and cropped jacket. Their hair was down, and their makeup set. "Let's go meet Kara." Sam stated.

The walk to Kara's office was really short. Lena knocked on her door and waited. Kara emerged with her flannel unbuttoned. Her tight bun was now loose with her blonde hair falling in waves around her shoulders and her blue eyes were even more stunning than before. With her over the shoulder bag on her shoulder she looked like a nerdy hunk! "Ready?" Kara asked. "Yea!" Sam replied. "You guys look nice! Guess I should have grabbed a new outfit..to change into." Kara added. "No!" Both woman exclaimed together. "I..we...mean no...you look amazing in what you're wearing...we only changed because we didn't want to go to a bar in our business attire." Lena replied. Kara nodded as they got onto the elevator. The woman stood behind Kara and let their eyes wander her body. Biting their lips as their dirty thoughts flooded their mind.

Once the elevator stopped they got off and headed into the car garage. "Are you riding in your car?" Sam asked Lena. "Oh...no I thought I'd call a cab or something." Lena replied. "You can ride with me. It's ok." Kara replied. "Are you sure?" Lena asked. "Of course. Sam do you need a ride too?" Kara asked. "Uh....ummm..." Sam stuttered. "Oh just get in!" Kara stated. Lena jumped into the passenger seat faster than lightning as Kara put her stuff in the back end. Sam grumbled as she got into the back seat. "Ready?" Kara asked. "Yes!" Both woman replied.

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