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Lena returned to her office with a smile on her face. She hurriedly texted Jess and Sam letting them know that she told Kara that she liked her. Meanwhile Kara was in the midst of finalizing some coding for the company and dodging texts from Andrea. The woman was no quitter. That was for certain. However Kara just ignored them. A few long hours later Kara was packing up her things when there was a knock at her office door.  "It's open Lee! I'm just packing up!" Kara called out. However the person behind the door wasn't Lena it was Andrea. "Lee? You expecting your boss?" Andrea asked. "Yes! We're friends. We live near each other so we ride together. Was there something you need?" Kara asked. "Yes! I want to know why you've been ignoring my texts and calls?" Andrea groaned. "I was busy! I don't have much time to talk during work...other than lunch." Kara replied. "I see! Well what are you gonna do now?" Andrea asked.

"She's gonna go home with me!" Lena stated. "After we get some stuff for Sirius." Kara added. "Right...the pet shop." Lena replied. "Pet shop? You have a cat?" Andrea asked. "No she has a dog. A very adorable dog." Lena replied. "Oh so is Sirius a small dog?" Andrea asked. "No...he's a medium sized dog. Are you ready Lee?" Kara asked. "Yes. Just waiting on you Kar." Lena replied. "I'm all set. I'll see you later Andrea." Kara replied as she followed Lena towards the elevator.

They stopped at the pet store and Lena gushed over the cute toys. "Sirius doesn't need those Lee." Kara groaned as she put down another squeaky toy. "Awww...but Auntie Lena has to get the bestest boy in the world a toy." Lena whined. "Ugh ok fine. He likes these toys." Kara said pointing to some rope toys. Lena looked them over and picked out two that Sirius would love. A little while later Kara had everything she'd need for him including a new kennel and several beds. "Ok now to pick up my boy." Kara said as she pulled up to the doggy daycare.

Lena waited in the car while Kara went in to get him. When she came out she was walking with a blonde woman talking about something. A pang of jealousy shot through her as she watched the two women interact. As they got closer she could hear the conversation. "So Kara..are you free this weekend?" The other blonde asked her eyes moving between her lips and her eyes. "Nope. I have plans with friends why?" Kara asked. "Oh..I was just wondering if you'd like to grab lunch sometime and hangout at the dog park or something." The other blonde replied. "No thanks. Sirius and I run on weekends I don't have plans." Kara replied. "Well maybe I could join you two with Ruby.." The blonde asked.

'Desperate much?' Lena thought to herself. "I don't think you want Ruby running that long at her age. But hey, maybe you'll meet someone at the dog park. I've got to get going...see you tomorrow Mia!" Kara said as she opened the back door of her car and signaled Sirius to get in. "Bye Kara...bye Sirius!" Mia replied as she walked back into the building. "Does she not get the hint?" Lena asked teasingly. "Not a lot of people do." Kara replied.

"How come you push everyone away?" Lena asked. "I don't do it to everyone. I didn't push you or Sam away." Kara replied. "But you pushed Andrea away, and that Mia girl. Whats wrong with them? They not your type?" Lena asked. "I don't have a type. And those two were just too pushy for me." Kara replied. "But Sam and I weren't? Kara Danvers I think you have a type and you aren't telling me." Lena replied. Kara rolled her eyes at her before pulling into a parking spot. "Ok...I do have a type. I don't like when women chase me, constantly ask me out all the time. I prefer when a woman takes their time to get to know me for me, not for what I look like in a uniform." Kara explained. "I understand Kara I do. Want me to tell off Andrea for you?" Lena asked as she helped Kara with the bags.

"If it'll make you feel better then go ahead. Now come on let's get going I'm hungry and I need to feed Sirius too." Kara added as they walked into the elevator. A few minutes later they were at Kara's condo and Lena was helping her set up the dog's stuff. "Well I'm gonna head up to my place and find something to eat. See you in the morning Kara." Lena said as she went for the door. "Why don't ya stay. I'm making pasta. Stay, eat then go home." Kara said. Lena didn't have to be told twice she stayed willing and ate pasta with Kara while Sirius at his food. "I'm gonna work from home tomorrow if thats ok. I have an appointment with my doctor for a new prosthetic." Kara explained. "Oh that's no problem at all Kara. Will this be a water proof one?" Lena asked.

"Yes and it's gonna look like my actual skin. So I'll be able to wear shorts again. Plus..this one will fit more of my shoes so I can wear my boots on Saturday night." Kara explained. "Boots? Like combat boots?" Lena asked. "No...although I have those still. I meant my cowboy boots. They go better with the outfit I plan to wear that night." Kara replied. "Oh ok. You know Sam's gonna insist on coming here to have lunch with you tomorrow right?" Lena asked. "I had a feeling, but it's ok I'll be home from the appointment by then. Don't pick anything up, I'll cook something for everyone, and send something back with you for Jess." Kara added with a smile. "Be careful there Kara Jess will be flirting with you next." Lena teased. "Doubtful. She has a thing for Sam's assistant." Kara replied. "Really?" Lena asked. "Yes, she told me the other day." Kara replied with a smile.

After dinner Lena bid Kara a good night and gave Sirius scratches before leaving for her place for the night.

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