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When they parked the van in front of the bookstore, Freen got out to stretch. They had left the town after lunch to arrive in the city with plenty of time, but it had still gotten dark.

The return journey was almost the same as the outbound one, except Freen drove the van because Heng had definitely drunk too much wine and spent most of the time sleeping. Something the girl appreciated, because her mood had done a complete one-eighty since the night before and she didn't want to have to give explanations along the way.

Her stomach jumped when her mind went back to the forest; to Becky, to their intertwined hands, to their conversation lying under the stars, to the way back still holding hands, to the hug in the middle of the living room letting the blankets fall to the floor. To that goodnight that Becky whispered in her ear leaving a kiss near her ear that made Freen's world flip.

Now she was at the door of the bookstore, waiting for Irin's car to appear around the corner to see her one more time before going home. When Irin stopped the car in double row so Becky could get out, Freen got nervous again. The girl got out of the car smiling, looking directly at her, as if she had been waiting for that moment for those three hours just like Freen.

-Well, it's been a pleasure to go on this adventure with you guys,- said Heng half asleep, -but I'm going home. Irin, will you take me?-

-Of course I'll take you, get in,- she said as she looked at the girls, -You, when you stop staring at each other, remember that the setup starts this week. I count on both of you.-

-Sure, Irin, no problem,- said Freen coming back to reality.

-Count on us, I mean, well,- she cleared her throat, -On me,- Becky blushed slightly.

-Come on, good night- Irin laughed as she got into the car. Becky was really starting to wonder if the girl had powers because she was sure she knew everything that had happened the night before.

Irin and Heng left Becky and Freen alone on the street. -Can I take you home? I have the car there,- said Becky. 

-Okay, yes,- Freen replied. She hadn't really been able to be alone with Becky at any time since they said goodbye the night before in the living room.

The car ride was silent. Really, the distance between the bookstore and Freen's apartment was minimal, but any excuse was good for Freen at that moment to spend even five more minutes with Becky. And in less than that time they were already at Freen's building's entrance. 

-Well, we're here,- Becky sighed, -It's been nice.-

-Yeah, yeah it has been- said Freen without thinking too much, -I hope you're not too tired of me.-

-I don't think that could happen- she laughed, -It would be more likely to happen the other way around. Maybe now you don't want to hear from me for several days- Freen smiled as she got out. She stopped with the door open to stick her head back into the car.

-I don't think that would happen either- she smiled, -Good night, Becky.-

-Good night, Freen.-

00:48 Freen:

So, do you think with my dim-wittedness I'll have any organs left unharmed?


Freen regretted at once having written to her, she didn't want to seem desperate. But it was already too late to delete it. Becky had seen it and besides, she was writing. But why was she taking so long to answer?

1:03 B🐦💌:

I suppose this means you're not tired of me, right?

1:04 Freen:

I just got curious. I wonder what kind of Doctor Frankenstein you are when it comes to choosing body parts

1:04 B🐦💌:

I have a slight suspicion you know what I'd like to keep.

1:04 Freen:

Pancreas, clearly


1:47 Freen:




FAR FROM ERIS  • FreenBecky •Where stories live. Discover now