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In less than five minutes Becky had reached the Flower Shop. The tent was quite close, so she had decided to keep the prize bouquets for the contest winners there to avoid them being exposed to the outdoors for longer than necessary.

She turned the key and entered the shop, still trying to calm her body after the adrenaline rush she had experienced singing in front of all those people.

-Do you really think I'm lost in space?- Becky stifled a scream, putting her hands over her mouth. Her heart nearly jumped out of her chest when she heard Freen's voice. -Oh my God, do you have any idea how much you scared me?- Becky said, rubbing her chest. Freen was lying on the mattress that was still on the floor.

-Do you think I'm lost?- she asked again.

-You saw me perform- Becky affirmed.

-Yes- Freen replied without getting up from the mattress. She was lying on her back, looking at the ceiling with both hands resting on her stomach. -It was wonderful, Becky.-

-I'm glad you liked it- Becky wasn't quite sure what was happening at that moment, or how she should talk toFreen. Suddenly, everything was very strange. -Freen... What are you doing here?-

-I assumed you'd come after performing- Freen replied.

-You assumed correctly- the silence was deafening. -What...- Becky began to ask, but Freen interrupted her. -Can you come here, with me?- the girl asked. -Would you lie down with me for a moment?- Becky was paralyzed for a few seconds. She was really confused.

-I guess so- she said hesitantly. -Alright- she approached the mattress and lay down next to Freen in the same position she had, with her eyes fixed on the darkness of the ceiling. -Freen, what's going on, what are you doing here?-

-I've been thinking a lot about all this. About you, about me, and well, about the other you and me- she said without moving a muscle. -Nothing seems to have a logical explanation, and the worst part is that I don't think we'll ever find one- she sighed. -I would love to be able to look through that window Patty says exists and talk to my other self to ask her if everything really happened as we think it did, or if you and I are just completely unhinged and this is the way our brains have protected us from madness.-

-I don't think we're crazy, Freen- Becky intervened. -I know what happened. I know I met you. You, or another you, at this point I really don't care. I know I didn't die. I know I'm here today, and I know you're lying next to me as if you've been mummified- she paused. -I know I miss you so much- she sighed, -And I know I love you.-

Freen turned her head for the first time to meet Becky's eyes. Her stomach did that characteristic leap again that she reserved for when she looked at her. 

-I love you, Freen- she continued -I'm in love with you. And I don't care how many versions of you there are in the cosmos, because I'm completely sure that I would fall in love with all of them.-

Freen felt that the void in her chest was beginning to fill up, as if a dam had burst and was flooding her inside. Becky loved her, and she didn't know why, but it just seemed to work. -Maybe love is enough to save yourself, she thought

-I'm in love with you too, Becky,- she whispered. And suddenly those seconds of silence began to be filled with electricity.

-Well... It would have been terrible to find out otherwise right now- Becky said, smiling.

She grabbed Freen's shirt by the chest and pulled her close until their lips finally met. Neither of them could have imagined how much their bodies had missed each other. If their hearts had missed each other, it was nothing compared to what their hands longed for each other's bodies; what their lips desired to explore each corner again, what their tongues yearned to recognize each other again. In less than a second, Freen's hand was behind Becky's neck, making the kiss so intense that they could barely breathe. Their legs intertwined, and Becky put her hand on Freen's hip to press her against her. Freen's moan awakened Becky's most primitive instincts. 

-Damn- she whispered on her lips, -don't ever leave me again, please.-

-I won't, Becky- she kissed her again -I won't leave.-

The dance of kisses mixed with the movement of their bodies seeking each other, trying to become one. Freen's hands slipped under Becky's sweater, which sighed when she felt the warmth of the girl's fingers on her skin, causing the girl to smile on her lips. When Becky smiled in the middle of a kiss, Freen always thought she could die of tenderness, and this time was no different. 

-I love you so much...- Freen said with her forehead pressed against Becky's. -So much,- she kissed her again while Becky lowered her hand to the button of Freen's pants to unbutton it. 

-So much...- Becky repeated on her mouth, putting her hand through the pants and underwear to touch Freen. -So much,- she said again as she skillfully positioned herself to join Freen completely. -I could do this every day of my life,- Becky said as she finally entered her.

The low growl that echoed in Freen's throat was enough for Becky to feel the need to press her body against the girl's thigh. Freen, arching her back slightly, quickly joined the continuous rhythm set by Becky's hand buried between her legs.

In her mind, the countdown began as she felt herself reaching the limit, and she stoically held on until the trembling of Freen's legs signaled the imminent release, letting herself go with her. Their muffled cries merged as they remained connected, face to face, breathing the same air, and the explosion hit them both, shaking every molecule of their bodies.


FAR FROM ERIS  • FreenBecky •Where stories live. Discover now