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The days leading up to Friday were exhausting. Irin had everyone working practically from dawn until late at night, and Freen and Becky weren't exactly resting much during their free time either.

The routine of coming home to Freen's place, shedding their clothes without a word, and then talking non-stop for hours while they caressed each other until falling asleep had become ingrained in them without planning it. They had become addicted to physical contact, but they had also become attached emotionally. They couldn't stand being apart for more than a few hours, during which Becky had to return home so Patty would know she was still alive. Heng, Nam, and Irin didn't even bother joking anymore because they were tired of catching them trying to kiss at any opportunity. So, they had simply accepted that they had to live with that level of romantic intensity.

The day of the opening had finally arrived. They had finished organizing everything, and they had been released from their chains under Irin's blessing and the promise that they were invited to everything they could drink at the festival's bar that week.

-Where were you?- Nam asked when Freen and Becky finally arrived at the opening event. -It's about to start.-

-We got a little delayed at home- Freen said.

-You got delayed...of course- Nam started to say.

-Yes- Freen cut her off before she could ask any further.

Becky smiled and nudged Freen lightly, then buried her face in Freen's neck to give her a kiss below the ear. -Good Lord, you two are insufferable- Nam sighed. -Don't eat in front of the poor folks.-

-Do you want us to find you a date, Nam?- Becky asked. -Maybe Heng?-

-Oh, no. Heng and I have already crossed the mystery barrier after living together for a week. The magic is gone- Nam replied.

-Well, I feel like that's my fault- Becky said.

-Not at all. Besides, I'm not looking for a relationship right now.-

-That doesn't mean we can't find you something casual- Becky winked, making Freen laugh.

The conversation halted when Irin took the stage to say a few words, and then the guest band started playing to liven up the opening party. Irin and Heng joined them once the music started.

-Finally!- Irin exclaimed, as if she had just dropped a hundred-pound weight. -Let's grab a beer. I can't handle life anymore.- They all followed her to the bar and then returned to the stage where people were gathering to dance.

They mingled with the crowd, sharing laughter and toasting to how well everything had turned out, and hoping that nothing would fall apart in the coming week. They danced for a long time, and Freen felt like she was floating with happiness. Her eyes often met Becky's, and her whole body vibrated when Becky leaned in to whisper something in her ear. The vibration continued when Becky slipped her hands under Freen's shirt in the elevator well into the early hours, when she made a groove with her teeth on Freen's hip while removing her pants lying in bed, and when once again Freen's entire body exploded as Becky's mouth wandered between her legs.

-I don't think I could ever get tired of you,- Freen finally said after her eyes stopped seeing little lights.

-I hope not- Becky whispered, propped up on an elbow as she circled her fingers on Freen's chest, playing with the tulip-shaped pendant around her neck.

-Bec... I never told you why I was at the support group that night- Freen suddenly said. Becky wasn't expecting that, and her hand stopped. -I don't know if you want to know or not, to be honest, but I feel like I should tell you things about me. I would like to, I mean- Freen blushed slightly, and Becky thought she could die of love at that moment.

-I would love to hear anything you want to tell me- she leaned in and gave Freen a kiss on the lips, very brief, and then gave her a small kiss on the nose that elicited laughter from Freen. Becky lay down beside her and intertwined her hand with Freen's, who seemed to be gathering enough courage to start talking.

-The other day I told you there was an incident that left me somewhat impaired. I don't really want to delve into that because I still haven't managed to remember it,- That wasn't entirely true, but Freen didn't dare to unleash all that drama. Becky tensed slightly -My first memories are in my apartment, a different one from this, in another city. I'm not sure how I ended up in that situation, but by the time I realized it, I had been indoors for several months, without talking to anyone, and practically without eating. I lost about ten kg, or that's what Nam told me when I finally had a conversation that I can remember. And then I ended up in the clinic where I was hospitalized for quite some time. It's not that I was crazy- she added quickly, -it's just that everything was easier there. They made me eat, they made me talk, and little by little they managed to get me back to functioning minimally to be able to live a normal life.- Becky's heart ached at that. -They told me I had developed several disorders, you know, many names. I called everything 'the shadow', and to this day, in fact, I still call it that. And for a long time I've been away from the world, pretending to be part of it when I was really seeing it through glass. And well,- she sighed, -I suppose that's how it's been until you came along.- Becky held her breath - -I'm sorry, it's been too much confession.-

-No, no Freen,- Becky said quickly, -I'm just... I would give anything to take away all that pain from you.-

-Well, I'd like to think that without that pain I wouldn't have made the decisions I made, and therefore I wouldn't be here. So maybe suffering so much was worth it somehow- Freen said with a rather sad smile.

-Nothing that hurts you will ever be worth it to me-  Becky whispered.

Freen looked into her eyes for several seconds before replying.

-For me, everything will have been worth it if it meant finding you.-


FAR FROM ERIS  • FreenBecky •Where stories live. Discover now