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How much time had passed? An hour? Two? Four? Time had truly lost its linear condition and simply spun endlessly around the two of them. In that timeless room, only laughter, whispers, and the cyclic rhythm of their breathing could be heard, like an infinite spiral.

Daylight timidly entered through the blinds, casting small circles of light onto the mattress as Becky lay on her stomach, her eyes half-closed with exhaustion and her back dotted with drops of sunlight. Freen watched her, lying on her side, running her fingers over the improvised pattern on Becky's back, as if wanting to gather them all to make a huge ball of light and say to her, -Look, this is what you've turned me into.- But she simply remained silent as her hand resisted losing even the slightest physical contact with her. She loved her. Dear God, of course she loved her. She was in love with her, and that truth burned in her skin as much as some of the scratches Becky had left on her back. She smiled, remembering that moment.

-What are you thinking?- Becky suddenly whispered.

-Well, if I'm completely honest, I was thinking that I must have some interesting marks on my back,- Freen laughed.

-Did I hurt you?- Becky asked, opening her eyes with concern.

-No, Becky, of course not,- Freen said, putting her hand on the girl's cheek. -And me? Did I hurt you?-

-Oh no, believe me. You've done many things to me, but hurt isn't one of them,- Becky said, making Freen blush as she laughed. She was ecstatic at the sight of Freen laughing, naked and disheveled. -You're beautiful,- she whispered, looking directly into her eyes.

-You're beautiful- Freen replied as she covered her with the blanket and snuggled up beside her. Becky buried her face in her neck and breathed deeply. -Do you want to sleep for a while?- Becky nodded, purring, and Freen's heart melted. -I..- her stomach jumped. -I'll wake you up if you want, before I leave,- she coughed lightly.

-All right,- Becky nodded, caressing the girl's neck with her nose. -Good morning, Freen,- she smiled.

-Good morning, Bec.-

Becky woke up when she felt the cool sheet under her body. She had moved to where Freen should have been, but the girl was no longer in bed. She was disoriented after falling asleep practically at ten in the morning without having slept all night. Her phone wasn't nearby, so she decided to put on the pajamas Freen had left for her the night before, which were scattered on the floor of the room under Sam's watchful gaze as he yawned at the foot of the bed.

She walked out into the hallway to the living room. Freen was definitely not there, but she was surprised that Freen hadn't woken her up as she had promised. When she finally found her phone, she saw a note underneath it.

Good morning, or is it afternoon? I'm really disoriented. I had to go to work absolutely against my will. Leaving you sleeping in bed has become one of the top things I've ever had to do in my life, and believe me, I have a curious list. You looked so perfect that I was afraid to even move around you. In fact, I spent a long time just watching you, so I appreciate that you didn't wake up at that moment and label me as a psycho. I'm in the living room a few meters away from you, and I already miss you. I hope you wake up the same way and it's not like one of those dramatic movies where you regret everything and leave town, because I was hoping to find you in my bed when I got back (you looked exhausted enough to sleep all day) - Whose fault is it - Becky thought, smiling. But since I imagine you'll wake up earlier, I'll leave this giant paragraph just to tell you that I haven't left yet and I'm already looking forward to coming back.


Becky's chest ached. As if her heart had swollen and now didn't fit in the space where it had always lived. She checked her phone and only had a message from Patty saying -Ok- and a smiling emoji responding to the one Becky had sent her saying she would sleep out, not to worry.

FAR FROM ERIS  • FreenBecky •Where stories live. Discover now