The meet up

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Jude's pov

I was in a meeting with the Real Madrid owners talking about my transfer and discussing salary which I wasn't fussed about if I was honest I was finished and I couldn't wait to tell aria and my friends after the game knowing how happy they would be for me I got to the stadium ready for the game and felt exited and my food friend Gil came up to me "yo bro you seem happy was it to do with aria" typical whenever I smile it has to link with aria and if we're together absolutely bs but I can't do much

I was in the game and got passed the ball dribbled through defender and smacked the ball clean into the net and did my signature celebration and after did a j,a and d for my brother ,aria of course and Denise I have done this for ages since Birmingham and vexed gave it us as I felt like it showed my appreciation for them like I don't get to see my brother much due to the distance he's in brum and I'm in Germany

And my aria where to begin ever since I was a baby and I held aria I knew we would be best friends me and jobe always looked after aria especially me when she was sad I would make her happy and would do anything for that girl when she dated her nor ex thank his Ollie I was fuming in diff when I knew how he treated her and made the most perfect girl insecure about herself I never liked that man she would call me crying and when I saw her in the room crying her eyes out and having a panic attack because of him my heart shattered I stayed Roth her end talked yo her and got her to break up with the boy she was always my favourite person and we had a different connection compared to her end jobe or anyone on fact even her sisters I didn't know what that was but it was something special

And my mum was added because without her I wouldn't be where I am and with the amount of support she shows me I owe her the world and more and that she knows Irs special and always feels happy when she knew she was added to my celebration

When I went back on the pitch an opposing player tackled and tripped me making me land funny I cursed them out but my knee didn't feel right typical when I sm moving teams I got taken off snd examined luckily it's not bad as I thought but was still do sad to know o wasn't going to play next game the final I felt overwhelmed and stressed by everything I was going to Madrid soon snd I am making sure I'm going to be ok when practice rolls around I heard my phone go I wasn't going to answer until I saw arias name pop up I felt happy to know she called and I could tell her the news of Madrid but I hoped she's by herself as I didn't want everybody to hear me upset over an injury as aria is the only person I open up to about it other than my mum

(Same conversation)

I got of the phone feeling happy aria always knew what to say and how to make me feel better it's like all the anxiety washed away and I was so glad to tell her about my move to Madrid but I was so intrigued on what she wanted to tell me that she couldn't say over phone

That night u went to sleep feeling happy and content

The next day

I woke up and I went to the airport for my fight to Madrid I wanted to suprise aria once I was back from Madrid when I came back to the uk as I have missed her even though we have done the long distance friendship for 3 years it never got easier

I was looking out the window of the private jet that I had to fly to Madrid in I was still in awe of it all and I was going to the new city that I would be living in for the next however long but if bring a twinge of sadness that I was moving further away from everyone again I know it's only 2 hours by plane but it felt so far away

Further away from her

Further away from my family

I sucked up my thoughts as I was already in Madrid as I was in the taxi on the way to the stadium that I would be in regularly I saw the hustle and bustle of Madrid and it was like London but nicer and warmer I could get used to this weather for sure I arrived at the stadium thoughts swirling in my head and my tummy was going flips I was so nervous first thing I did was get a tour of the stadium and met some of the training staff that were there who I would work with then I went to the trophy room and all the clubs history came flooding through looking at all the achievements and I couldn't help but worry if I didn't keep up their expectations they had of me they paid so much I couldn't let them down

After we were done I went down to the hotel as the next few days were busy I had to do a photo shoot in the new kit to announce my signing and do a press conference and meet the team and everything I was feeling a bit scared about all of this I have to make a good first impressions

I tiredly walked through the gold doors and into the lobby when I heard the familiar voice of the girl I have known forever aria what' is she doing here is this her suprise omg...

I listened in to make sure before I made a fool of myself "yes it's under aria Jenner for" that's all I heard and zoned out waiting for her to move which she soon did with her bag and key card as the bell men took her luggage

"Ria what are you doing here" I exclaimed joy evident in my voice
I ran up and pulled her into my hold that I hadn't done for ages and I missed dearly and swung her around hearing the giggles how how I missed this

"Hey jay I was going to suprise you that I was here"

"I'm so happy your here but why are you here I thought you have a busy few weeks in London"

"No Dior and Louie wanted me here for the shows they are preparing for me and I could put I shoot with adidas sport soon"

"No way I have a shoot with adidas tomorrow"

"Ohhh so your the person I'm working with then stop I'm so exited"

With that we both went to our rooms which were opposite eachother so after she got settled we gave a movie night together where we Reminisce and talked but she soon fell asleep and I was going to take her to her room but I soon drifted but not before saying softly in her ear

"Night angel love you"

With that I let darkness envelop me ready for the big day tomorrow with the comfort of the girl who u call my bestfriend on
my chest

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