Last day

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Jude's pov
Today was arias last day in Madrid before her flight early tomorrow morning and as I looked at the girl laying on me I felt sadness wash over me but turned it into determination to make today amazing for her I knew today from 12-2 she was meeting with Dior for her last few touch ups for the runway until she came back to Madrid for the show but after she's done I want to make her last day a good one

Once I felt aria moving a bit I glided my hands through her soft hair which I heard her let a "hmm" at

"Morning baby" I whispered

"Morning j" she said placing her head further into the crook of my neck making me giggle we spent an hour just cuddled up before she got ready for her meeting

Once she left for her meeting I decided to do a dinner here in the house and making a cute set up for her and a little gift for her from Madrid besides a t shirt with my name and number

I called my private chef who said he can do it which I was happy about and then did the set up by making the dinning table pretty with cloths and everything even added rose petals

Once I was done with prep it was 1.30 and I had to change I decided I should take aria to the beach that we went to before and stay there till sun set then I would come back and suprise her
I never used to do anything like this for any girl ever but aria was different so much more different and I loved it

Once I heard the door to the house open I went over "hi baby" I said blocking way into the dining and kitchen area

Arias pov

"Hi baby" Jude said blocking way to the kitchen and dining room

"Um hey baby can you let me in to the kitchen I need some water" I said confused at his behaviour

"No it's okay u will get it he quickly dashed in flowing the door"

I'm my mind I thought please don't tell me he has a girls here

I had to get rid of my worry when he came back with a water

"Now baby go get changed we're going to the beach to watch sunset " he said with a big smile like a 5 year old

"What's this sudden suprise for" I asked my unfairly good looking boyfriend

"For your last day now go change we have more to do" he said ushering me up the stairs whilst I giggled I live this man

Once I was done and we were in the car down Jude had his hand on my thigh whilst he drives as we well I put on rap music but he loves it too

Currently obsessed with you was on and I was singing my heart out

"Obsessed with you I hope it's clear from a birdseye view I don't care about ip dip doo darling one I do chose you" I rapped whilst looking at Jude who was amused at my actions as he rubbed my thigh to say keep going

Jude's pov

As we were driving to the beach I couldn't help but have a smile on my face at arias singing and how happy she was and the lively hood she brings   To everyday she loved central cee and most rap she has always wanted to meet Tate McRae since she heard her music but never could due to schedule the song obsessed with you always reminded me of me and aria it was just fitting to us

Once obsessed with you was finished I then heard greedy began blasting through my speakers and she sang her heart out Tate only released it not long ago

Arias pov

Once a very enjoyable car ride was over Jude quickly got out and came to my side giving me his hand to get out which I gladly took our shoes were in Jude's hands as he insisted on him taking them over letting me take mine our feet met the warm grains of sand and we began walking down and taking a walk along the beach we had been walking for ages just talking and thinking about our life together in 5 years time something I never did with any bit before but Jude was just different I couldn't explain it

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