Birthday bash

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Arias pov

Every day so far in Madrid has felt like a dream and tonight was the night before Jude's birthday and to say I was exited was an understatement me and Denise have bought decorations and when Jude's asleep I'm decorating his room for when he wakes up and help Denise downstairs if needed I tangled my fingers in Jude's hair making him doze off as I felt his body go to sleep I moved his heard down and layed him down doing all the decor and placing the gifts in a cute order and I prepared stuff for when we had breakfast in the morning everything was perfect

Once I went back to sleep it felt like the morning had already done so fast in a blink of an eye j felt Jude's hid like body shift around a bit as his face was dug into my neck a bit making me giggle.

"Morning my love happy birthday' I said softly into his ear drawing circles on his back followed by a Hm from him as I saw his droopy eyes open and close to get used to the light as he smiled at me as I pecked his lips which made his smile wider as he sat up seeing all my decorations as he pulled me into his side for a hug " aww baby this is amazing when did you do this@ he said pecking my lips again " I did it after you fell asleep" I said smiling triumphantly at the boy

Jude's pov

I woke up cuddling more into arias neck I heard her whisper whilst ahe rubbed circles on my back I hummed in response feeling content at that moment as I opened my eyes trying to get used to the light I felt her peck my lips making me smile as I sat up in the bed and pulled her into a side hug kissing her I really am the luckiest man ever

As we talked she then urged me to open my gifts more exited than me

As she gave me the first gift all of them were nestled wrapped "when did you do all of this" u said amazed

"Before I left for Madrid which is why I didn't let you help with my suitcase because you would see all the wrapped gifts" she said to me making me laugh

When k opened the long rectangle gift I saw a beautiful gold chain presented in it with 10.06.2018 in Roman numerals which I instantly realised was the day when we both realised we truly liked eachother and wasn't just a crush which we revealed in one of our late night chats at the beach I loved it so much and all the thought she put into it

But no one knew what the date meant other than us it was our own secret I remember the day like it was yesterday


I got invited to a party that one of my year 10 friends were throwing and invited aria too because he had a crush on her which for some reason made my blood boil

When I left I went to pick up aria too as I didn't want her to walk alone especially because she didn't know many people there other than me and my friends and the cheerleader girls as aria joined the team not long ago

I walked in with aria our hands intwined as o knew in these situations she got anxious when I walked into the house loud music filling my senses I was greeted with the boys dabbing me up I kept a grip on her hand then I saw Ollie the friend who liked aria giving her a hug trying to chat her up which made me angry

As the night went on aria stayed by me occasionally goin to the cheer girls to talk with them it got later and everyone was a bit drunk or wasted I stayed mostly sober because I needed to either walk aria home or take her to mine and one of us will need to be able to walk straight

We ended up in a circle and we played truths or dares and when it came to me I had to kiss aria I looked at her and she allowed it and when I kissed her it was full of passion and love we just didn't know it then or we never wanted to act on it

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