A Night of Lanterns and Laughter

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Tsuguya's grip on his sister's hand tightens as they navigate the bustling streets of the Obon Festival. Lanterns cast a soft, ethereal glow, illuminating the lively scene of chatter and laughter. The aroma of sizzling street food fills the air, enticing passersby to indulge in the festival delights.

Caught in the whirlwind of unfamiliar faces, Tsuguya feels a tinge of nervousness, his senses overwhelmed by the crowd. Realising his unease, Shiki gently tugs at his sleeve, her comforting presence like a beacon in the chaos. With a reassuring smile, she beckons him to follow as she gracefully weaves through the throng of festival-goers.

As they walk, Tsuguya can't help but marvel at the vibrant tapestry of colours and sounds surrounding them. Shiki's infectious enthusiasm lifts his spirits, and he quickens his pace to keep up with her, his steps echoing against the cobblestone pavement.

Suddenly, Tsuguya's voice breaks through the din of the festival as he calls out to his older sister, a mixture of excitement and apprehension in his tone.

"Nii-san! Wait!"

Tsuguya's voice is almost drowned out by the lively sounds of drums and flutes, the scent of grilled food, and the vibrant colours of festival stalls. But Shiki hears him and slows down, turning back with a warm smile.

"What is it, Tsuguya?" she asks, her voice gentle and reassuring.

Tsuguya hesitates, feeling a pang of embarrassment at his own unease amidst the festival crowd. But he takes a deep breath and meets his sister's eyes.

"I.. I just feel a bit.. scared.."

He admits softly, his voice trailing off at the last part. Shiki tilts her head, curious. She looked at Tsuguya, telepathically questioning why.

"There are just so many new people, and.. I'm not really used to it, Nii-san."

Shiki's smile softens even more, and she reaches out to ruffle his hair affectionately.

"It's okay, Tsuguya. I'm here with you. And remember, Obon is a time for celebration and remembrance. Try to focus on the joy around us."

Taking comfort in Shiki's words, Tsuguya nods, feeling a bit more at ease. Together, they continue to wander through the festival, Shiki pointing out various attractions and treats with enthusiasm. Tsuguya's grip on her hand relaxes as he starts to immerse himself in the festive atmosphere.

As they pass by a group of dancers wearing traditional yukatas, Shiki suddenly stops, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

"Tsuguya, let's join them!"

She exclaims, already starting to move towards the dancers.

Tsuguya hesitates for a moment, but seeing the joy on his sister's face, he nods eagerly. Hand in hand, they join the dance circle, their movements awkward at first but soon becoming more confident as they follow the rhythm of the music.

(I can't write long stuff 😔)

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