Morning Glow

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As the night deepens, a gentle breeze slips through the open windows, carrying with it the faint scent of cherry blossoms. Shiki lies in bed, the events of the festival replaying in her mind like a cherished dream. Each memory is a star in the sky of her thoughts, twinkling with the warmth of shared laughter and companionship.

In the quiet of her room, Shiki reflects on the deeper meaning behind their festival adventure. It wasn't just about the excitement of the night or the joy of the moment—it was about the bond between her and Tsuguya, a bond that had been strengthened and reaffirmed amidst the festivities.

With a soft sigh of contentment, Shiki feels a sense of gratitude wash over her. Gratitude for Tsuguya's unwavering presence, for his ability to cheer people up instantly with an infectious smile. Despite the challenges she may face, Shiki knows that as long as they have each other, they can weather any storm.

Outside, the stars continue to twinkle in the velvety darkness, casting a gentle glow over the sleeping town. As she drifts off into peaceful slumber, the echoes of the festival fade into the night, leaving behind only the quiet rhythm of her breathing and the promise of a new day filled with endless possibilities.


The soft light of dawn filters through the paper covers, casting a warm golden glow into Tsuguya's room. He stirs from his slumber, blinking away the remnants of sleep as he slowly becomes aware of the gentle sounds of morning.

Stretching languidly, Tsuguya sits up in bed, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated after a restful night's sleep. With a smile, he gazes out the window, where the first hints of sunlight paint the sky in shades of pink and orange.

In the neighbouring room, Shiki stirs awake, her movements graceful and fluid as she rises from her bed. The aroma of breakfast wafts through the house, a tantalising blend of freshly brewed tea and savoury delights.

With a soft knock on Tsuguya's door, Shiki enters, her smile radiant as she greets her brother.

"Good morning, Tsuguya."

Shiki says, her voice warm with affection. She crosses the room to open the curtains fully, inviting the morning sunlight to flood the space.

Tsuguya returns her smile, feeling a sense of peace wash over him at the sight of his sister's cheerful demeanour.

"Good morning, Shiki."

He replies, his voice soft but filled with genuine warmth.

Together, they make their way to the kitchen, where the scent of breakfast grows stronger with each step. The table is set with care, adorned with delicate porcelain teacups and plates of steaming food.

As they sit down to eat, Tsuguya can't help but admire Shiki's culinary skills. Each dish is a work of art, bursting with colour and flavour. With each bite, he savours the familiar tastes of home, feeling grateful for the simple pleasures of a shared meal with his sister.

Their conversation flows easily as they eat, a mix of lighthearted banter and quiet moments of reflection. Tsuguya finds himself opening up to Shiki once again, sharing his hopes and dreams for the future with a newfound sense of clarity and purpose.

(I'm super duper bad at long chapters 😔)

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