Warmth Amidst the Night

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As Tsuguya and Shiki arrive home, the vibrant energy of the festival still courses through their veins, lingering like a sweet melody in their hearts. They step inside their cosy house, filled with the comforting scent of incense and the soft glow of paper lanterns.

Shiki collapses onto the cushions with a contented sigh, her yukata rustling softly as she settles in. Tsuguya joins her, feeling a sense of peace wash over him in the familiar surroundings of home.

"Tonight was amazing!"

Shiki says, her eyes sparkling with remnants of the joy they had experienced together.

Tsuguya nods in agreement, a fond smile tugging at his lips.

"It truly was. I never knew a festival could be so... magical."

Their conversation drifts to the highlights of the evening, reminiscing about the dances, the delicious food, and the laughter shared with newfound friends. Tsuguya finds himself opening up more to his sister, sharing his thoughts and feelings in a way he hadn't before.

As the night grows late, they eventually retire to their respective rooms, each filled with a sense of contentment and gratitude for the bond they share. Tsuguya lies in bed, replaying the events of the day in his mind, his heart filled with warmth at the memory of Shiki's unwavering support and love.

In the quiet darkness of his room, Tsuguya realises that tonight was more than just a festival—it was a reaffirmation of the precious connection he shares with his sister, a bond that transcends words and sustains him through even the darkest of times.

With a peaceful smile on his face, Tsuguya drifts off to sleep, knowing that no matter what tomorrow may bring, he will always have Shiki by his side, guiding him with her love and light.

(its short as well 😭)

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