Bathed in the Lanterns Lights

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For a brief moment, all of Tsuguya's worries fade away as he loses himself in the joyous celebration, surrounded by the warmth of his sister's love and the spirit of the festival.

As Tsuguya and Shiki immerse themselves in the dance, the world around them seems to blur into a whirl of colours and music. Tsuguya's initial nervousness dissipates completely as he loses himself in the rhythmic movements, his heart beating in time with the drumbeats.

Shiki's laughter rings out beside him, infectious and full of pure delight. With each step and sway, Tsuguya feels a sense of connection not only to his sister but to everyone around them, sharing in the collective joy of the festival.

As they dance, Tsuguya notices a little girl watching them from the edge of the crowd, her eyes wide with wonder. Sensing her curiosity, Shiki reaches out and gently pulls her into the dance circle, her infectious energy spreading to the young girl.

Soon, more festival-goers join in, forming a vibrant and diverse community of dancers, united by the simple joy of movement and music. Tsuguya finds himself smiling freely, his earlier worries completely forgotten in the midst of this shared celebration.

As the dance comes to an end, Tsuguya and Shiki find themselves surrounded by applause and cheers. They exchange proud glances, their bond stronger than ever in this moment of shared joy.

After the dance, they continue to explore the festival, sampling delicious treats and enjoying various performances. Tsuguya's confidence grows with each passing moment, his sister's presence serving as a steady anchor amidst the bustling crowds.

As the night wears on and the festival draws to a close, Tsuguya and Shiki make their way home, their hearts full of cherished memories from this unforgettable evening. Hand in hand, they walk along the quiet streets, the echoes of laughter and music still lingering in the air.

And as they finally reach their doorstep, Tsuguya knows that no matter what challenges may come their way, as long as he has his sister by his side, he can overcome anything. For in her love and guidance, he has found his greatest strength.

(I'm sorry this is so short 😭)

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