Chapter 6

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Polly opened her eyes and looked around. She was still at Dolly's place. She smiled and sat up, looking around for her friend. The smell of breakfast came to her nose and Dolly would soon arrive with bacon, eggs, and toast.

The artist smiled at Polly. "Morning. Thought I'd give you this myself." She handed Polly her plate. Once Dolly had her plate, Dolly took a seat next to her and started eating alongside her. "So how did you sleep?"

"I slept good," Polly replied, taking a bit of her toast. "Last night was really fun, huh?"

Dolly nodded. "I'm so happy I decided to go with you. I had a really good time"

"That's what I was hoping for," Polly smiled. "Glad you had fun."

"A lot of fun," Dolly giggled. "No need to let a couple of assholes ruin our fun, right?"

Polly was about to ask what she meant when the encounter with Daphne came to her mind. She sighed.

Seeing this, Dolly frowned a bit. It felt so good to hurt that bitch that tried to ruin their night, but she didn't like the idea of Polly getting upset.

Dolly looked down at her plate as she said, "....I'm sorry about what I did. I know that wasn't something you didn't want me to do, but she was saying those things, and I just couldn't take it. I....I didn't like being like that. It made me feel really bad." She looked around Polly, placing her hand on hers. "I just felt that..."

Polly looked back at her friend and squeezed her hand. "I know you weren't yourself when you did that. Just because others say things we don't like doesn't mean we should hurt them, and I know you didn't mean it. You were just hurt for me. But all you need to know for the next time something like that happens is that I'll be okay. I am okay."

Dolly felt an annoyance on the inside. Not at Polly, but at the idea that she could be okay with people making accusations at her like that, especially since it was just because they didn't like her. How could she not have wanted to punch that bitch in the face? How could she not have wanted to stick something painful in her eye, or shove something down her throat to the point that she would choke?

But here she was telling Dolly that she was okay. She may have been, but Dolly sure wasn't. Still, she smiled at the blonde. "As long as you are..."

"I am," Polly said. Then, she pulled Dolly into a hug, wrapping her arms around her tightly. "Especially now that I have you in my life."

Dolly's face turned as red as a tomato, but it didn't take long for her to return the hug. "I'm so glad I have you too..." The artist meant every word of that. With Polly she felt whole, she felt complete. That her world was the brightest it's ever been.

Which is why it upset her much to see Polly get treated so badly, just like it upset her when she herself was treated badly. She had some thinking to do.

She and Polly released the hug. The blonde grinned at her friend. "So, Henry and Megan really liked you."

"Just like you said they would," Dolly smiled softly. "I'm so happy that they like me. Now we can all hang out all the time."

Polly's face lit up when she said that. "You really mean that? You really want all of us to hang out all the time together?"

"Of course," Dolly smiled. "That's what you wanted, right?" She giggled.

Polly nodded, still wearing that grin on her face. "Right."

"Then I don't see why we wouldn't do that," Dolly replied. "You know, maybe I can prepare for them all to come here sometime soon?"

"That's a great idea!" Polly said. "We'll all have a great time just like we did at the party."

"Ans this time there will be no one to interrupt us. Except maybe Rylan and Fred." Dolly joked.

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