Chapter 8

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Rain poured on Polly as she patrolled on a rooftop. She ignored it. She didn't mind the rain. She laughed a little to herself as she thought of Filbert making a fuss about her needing to head back home now. She probably would do that soon. She had been patrolling for a couple of hours and nothing seemed to be wrong. She also knew her Mom was probably helping him cook something delicious right now. But she wanted to patrol just a little bit more.

She looked around through her binoculars to see if she could find anything. At first, it seemed to be just like the last couple of hours had been. Nothing.

Then she heard a scream. The blonde turned in the direction of the scream and saw Daphne in an alley. Three guys were there. Two with bats and one with a big knife.

"Get away from me!" Daphne yelled.

"Come on, baby, don't be like that," The guy with the knife said. He held it to her neck. "I'll make this real simple. Just hand over that wallet of yours and knows one has to get hurt. Deal?"

"No deal!" Daphne growled. "You're not getting a penny from me! You want money? Get a job!"

The guy then grabbed her neck. Daphne choked as she put her hands on his arm, trying to get him off.

"Not so smart are we?" The guy asked. "Here I was trying to be all nice and then you gotta go and say stuff like that. You oughta be ashamed of yourself."

Polly's voice was then heard, "Let her go."

The men looked around. The two other guys had their bats ready but they didn't see anyone.

"Who's there?!" The guy with the knife demanded. "Show yourself or the bitch get gutted!" He then jumped when a bullet was shot near his feet, releasing Daphne and giving her time to get away from him.

One of the other guys then saw a silhouette in the darkness. "I see her!" He ran at the silhouette and swung his back.

He didn't hit anything. The guy was confused. "Huh?" He then made muffled noises as his mouth was grabbed and he was pulled into the darkness.

The other bat guy ran towards it but Polly jumped out at him. She tackled him down to the ground and knocked him out with a couple of punches.

The guy with the knife started to shake when he saw who it was. "It-It's you!" He held his knife up to her, his hand shaking as he did so. "S-Stay back!"

Polly didn't say a word. She just walked towards him. He started to back up until he couldn't anymore. He had hit the wall. Polly was now face to face with him. He tried to stab her but she grabbed his arm and twisted it.

The knife fell from his hand and Polly knocked him out with a single punch.

Daphne looked at the now downed man. Polly turned to her.

"It's okay," Polly said. "You're safe now."

"J-Just get away from me!" Daphne demanded. Tears were going down as she had a mixture of anger and sadness on her face. She began to walk away. Polly looked at the men that were down in the alley.

Daphne walked for a bit as she just sobbed to herself. If Matteo had been there, he'd have been able to protect her.

"How is he?" Polly asked from behind Daphne, cussing the other woman to jump.

Daphne turned to Polly. "He-He's fine..." Polly did just save her from being mugged so she wouldn't give her a hard time. "He's going to be out soon."

Polly felt relieved when she heard that. "That's good. I'm glad he'll be home with you soon. I can tell how much you miss him."

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