Chapter 7

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After some time watching TV with Filbert, Polly heard a knock at the door. She turned to Filbert with a smile.

"That must be her," Polly said before getting up and going to answer the door. "Mom!"

Summer smiled at her daughter. "Polly!"

The two of them hugged each other. It had been a bit since they saw each other in person.

"I'm so glad that you're here," Polly said, releasing the hug.

"So am I," Summer replied. She was always happy to spend time with her daughter. During the phone call yesterday, they agreed that she would come over.

Filbert smiled as he walked over to the two. "Hey Aunt Summer."

"Filbert!" Summer beamed as she hugged him as well. "How's my nephew?"

"I'm doing great," Filbert said, "It's good to see you. It's been a while."

"It sure has," Summer replied. "Polly let me know that I've missed a few things."

"Oh," Filbert blinked. "She told you about-"

"Her new friend? Yes, she did." Summer smiled. When Polly told that not only did she make a friend, but it was one who turned out to be just like her, Summer couldn't believe it. She was glad that her daughter had a friend that she could relate so much to now. "I hear she's a very good artist."

"Oh, you don't know the half of it," Filbert said. "I should show you the drawings she did of me."

"Actually, I was thinking Dolly could show Mom how could of an artist she is herself," Polly said.

"Oh?" Filbert looked at Polly. "You gonna ask her to come over?"

Polly nodded. "Yeah. After how well things have been going, I don't think she would mind meeting Mom now."

She took out her phone and called Dolly. The artist would pick up not long after.

"Hey Polly," Dolly's voice could be heard on the other end.

"Hi Dolly," Polly said. "My mom's over today and I was wondering if you would like to come and meet her?"

"Today?" Dolly asked.

"Yeah!" Polly said. "You're not busy, are you?"

Dolly took a second to answer. "Oh no, I'm not busy." She chuckled a bit. "What time should I come over?"

Polly smiled. "Any time that works for you."

"Okay, I'll be there soon," Dolly said.

"See you then," Polly said and hung up the phone. She looked at her mom and Filbert. "She's coming soon."

"Great!" Filbert grinned. "I'll cook something."

Some time had passed before there would be another knock at the door. Filbert would just be finishing up the grilled cheese he had been making and Polly and Summer would look to the door after the knock stopped their talking.

Polly gave her mom an excited grin. "That's her!" She went to the door and opened it for Dolly, who entered the apartment along with Coopy.

"Oh, what a cute cat," Summer said, smiling at Coopy. She then turned her attention to the artist. "You must be Dolly."

"That's me," Dolly said, a bit shyly. She hasn't expected to meet Polly's mom this soon. "'re Polly's mom?"

Summer smiled warmly at her. She could tell the woman in front of her was shy. She couldn't blame her, it must've been a tad overwhelming for her to talk to someone like herself after being by herself in her home for someone many years as Polly told her. She of course knew of Dolly's friends that she shared the mom with but still, she wanted her to know that there was nothing to be shy or nervous about. "Yes, I am."

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