Part One

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Yunmeng Jiang Clan

In Lotus Pier many disciples are doing sword practice in a big ground. Wei Wuxian is commanding them and he is observing them.

Jiang Cheng is doing some writing work and he is sitting in a bench. Sometimes he is looking at Wei Wuxian and then again he is doing his work.

A Jiang disciple comes there while running. He is holding a letter in his hand. The Jiang disciple goes in front of Wei Wuxian and he takes heavy breath.

"Master Wei!", The Jiang disciple says.

"Hmm!", Wei Wuxian replies and he looks at that letter.

The Jiang disciple gives the letter to Wei Wuxian. Jiang Cheng also gets up from his place and he stands with Wei Wuxian.

Wei Wuxian opens the letter. Jiang Cheng also readers the letter with Wei Wuxian.

"Wen Rouhan has planned to attack on your clan. Be careful. Maybe this week he can send Wen Chao, Wen Zhuliu and a huge army to attack on you."

Wei Wuxian reads the letter. Jiang Cheng worriedly looks at Wei Wuxian.

"Wei Wuxian! These Wens are not going to change. We will attack on them. If they will come here then I will kill of them them. I will cut their heads off from their body.", Jiang Cheng says in anger.

"But we need to stop them from war. Already we have shortage of best army. Have you forget three months ago in a war we lost our best fighters? But still we defeat our opponent. We need to act from mind.", Wei Wuxian says.

"Hmm... Then what should we do? If Wen Rouhan will come in front of me then I will cut him in millions of pieces.", Jiang Cheng says in anger.

Wei Wuxian thinks and he gets an idea. Wei Wuxian doesn't want to loose his army because if they will do a war then they will have shortage of fighters. And it will be an invitation for other dominant clan to attack on Yunmeng Jiang Clan.

"Lans!", Wei Wuxian says.

"What do you mean?", Jiang Cheng asks and he looks at Wei Wuxian.

"Wens are friends of Lans. If we will console Lans to stop Wens then Wen Rouhan won't attack on us.", Wei Wuxian says.

"But Lans are our enemy. Why they will support us?", Jiang Cheng asks.

"We will force them.", Wei Wuxian says.

"But how?", Jiang Cheng asks.

Wei Wuxian sighs. Wei Wuxian take a glance of disciples. He goes in front of them and told everyone to practice.

Wei Wuxian goes inside a room with Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng is getting impatient to hear Wei Wuxian's planning.

"Now what?", Jiang Cheng asks curiously.

"If will will force Lans to stop Wens then Wen Rouhan will definitely stop. I know sect leader Lan Qiren won't listen to us that's why we need to force them. We will go Gusu Lan Clan with our army. They will be unprepared so we can take advantage. They will definitely get scared when they will get a sudden news that we have arrived there to attack on them. They won't get any chance to prepare their security and we will take advantage. We will arrest sect leader Lan Qiren. After that we will force sect leader Lan Qiren to stop Wen Rouhan.", Wei Wuxian says.

"Hmm.. good plan. When we are going there?", Jiang Cheng asks.

"Today! It's morning time. And if we will arrive now then we will reach there at evening. Tomorrow we can return here.", Wei Wuxian says.

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