Chapter 1

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She was shaken from her daydreaming by an unsure cough, she looked above the sheet of paper. that she was holding, with a raised eyebrow. The woman currently sitting in front of her desk shifted rather uncomfortably in her spot and the headmistress smirked. Why the women had been foolish enough to even apply, let alone come to the interview, that Selena had jokingly set up, was beyond her.

She had seemed uncomfortable the moment she stepped onto the campus. She was uncomfortable the moment she entered the building, she was uncomfortable when she walked down the hall, and yet, she seemed far from uncomfortable in her office. Disgusting, truly filthy. Her entire kind was, however, the woman had shown up, she could at least give her some sort of decency, although she would never get the same in return.

She gave the woman a look, trying to decide if her personality was reflected in her clothing. The woman wore a fitted white blouse, sensible formal wear, suggesting she was somewhat professional, a baby pink cardigan, suggesting she was rather kind and soft, a light grey pleated skirt, suggesting maybe quite smart but also quite simple, her white tights certainly suggested push over, which was aided by her choice in flat shoes in the same shade as her waist length, long-sleeved cardigan.

Selena then looked at her face. She had olive skin, which seemed to rather glow unnaturally with the sunlight streaking through the window.

She had weirdly brown eyes, they seemed like a mix of milk and dark chocolate, swirling in a witch's cauldron. She had a lean, petite frame that seemed to be swallowed by her clothing. Her face was soft, her hands softer, her voice kind her freckles rather prominent, and her hair tied into a loose bun with a few loose hairs.

She seemed far too kind to be here, why was such a compassionate woman going to teach at a school for creatures and ghouls? Why was a human woman applying here at all? Why was she looking at her with kindness? She was a human, she shouldn't be looking at her like that, she wanted to kill her, she could tell, all humans did. The only reason she let the woman interview in the first place was because she looked too weak to drive a steak into her. Her arms were rather skinny after all. She was short, or was she average? Honestly, the woman had no idea what the average height for women was anymore. The interviewee was about the same height as the standing lamp in the back corner of her office.

Selena knew that she was juxtaposing with the interviewee. Her suit was sharp, and tailored, showing off her curves and lines, whereas Mitranda's clothes hid herself. Her legs were long, her body rather curvier and slightly round. Her cheekbones were sharp, her makeup smokey and dark, including deep red, almost black, lipstick. Her eyes were a sharp scarlet, her hair a deep blue looking black when it hit sunlight, and her skin was pale, looking almost as if she were made of marble. Her hair was pulled into a tight bun, the lower half of her hair pulled back by a clip to leave some curls loose. Her height was certainly higher than average, just over the length of a bullwhip, plus a little more, that didn't mean that she couldn't wear heels though.

Her suit was a deep blue, she had a white, long-sleeved blouse under her blazer, the blazer that was hung on the back of the chair she was sitting in. The heels she wore with the suit were black and thin stilettos, almost knife-sharp heels to boost her height. She wore black sheer thigh highs, she had a silver bracelet on one wrist and two on the other, and she wore a black ribbon tied in a bow around her neck instead of a tie. Leaning against her chair was a dark oak cane with a golden raven head, she used it for walking when she had bad days with her leg. Which was more often than not, sadly.

Selena smiled at the woman as she lowered the sheet of paper. "Oxford? You are quite educated then... which area of history did you study?"

Miranda chuckled as she rubbed the back of her head. "My parents pushed me hard to get into Oxford, so I did. I did my history course on Human studies, which is learning about humans from a social perspective.

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