Chapter 5

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Selena sat in her chair and took in the silence in the room for a few moments before the chaos broke out. There were questions thrown at her, debates happening across the staff table, there was shouting, yelling, questioning, accusations, and even concern from so many directions that Selena slammed her hands down on the table to shut them up.

"Will you all agree for once? I have been working day in and day out for the past hundreds of years to keep this place running, so I decided on the teaching staff! Am I understood?"

There was a pause before shouting began again. The older monsters fighting the younger monsters. A human professor? Selena had lost her mind! She was dooming the school! Why!? To prove a point? To try and push the school in a direction it wasn't ready for? Surely even she saw the flaws with her plan? The destruction, the harm, the pain, the torment, the downright cruelty this plan would bring to both staff and students!

The rock giant of the group stood up and shouted. "You may be in charge but we still get a say! You are ruining this school! Damaging us! Putting us at risk! Putting us in danger, the very people you are supposed to care for! How can you do this to us!?"

The fairy flitted forward with a growl. "How are you so close-minded?! The world is changing! We need to adapt, you rock for brains! We need to change with the world, we need to change, need to adapt, need to switch approaches, need to exchange the way we handle things, need to trade how we view humans! We are not being hunted! Stop being such a scared little pebble!"

The shadow creature pushed the fairy back."Have you forgotten what humans have done to us!? How they treated us!? How we were tortured, executed, leeched, punished, killed in the name of God and all things holy!? How we have never been welcomed by humans, how we were outcasted, thrown aside, pushed away, forced from our homes, our families, because we weren't deemed worthy of human kindness and mercy!? How can you forget our history like it was some simple grudge!?"

The sea creature shoved the shadow creature off. "We are blaming new generations for their past generations' mistakes! Humans want to change! Demi-Creatures prove that! Creatures are having families with humans! If you can't move past the mistakes of the past and pave the way for a better generation, then just say so! Say you don't want change, that you're stuck in the past! Some of us want a better future, some of us aren't holding grudges from generations that used leeches as a medicinal treatment!"

The werewolf stepped forward. "Some of us are old enough to remember being the one tortured, to remember what those beasts did to us! We were there, watching our friends and families being burned at the stake, watching our homes burn, being outlawed, rejected, refused, we were unwanted! We don't want that to happen to younger generations! That is why this school was built in the first place!"

Nyx stepped forward. "No! This school was built so that creatures could be free to learn of their kind, develop abilities, learn of their history, how to improve the future, and learn about humans! This place was the first monumental step forward we needed as a kind! We used this school as a way to show humans that we are not scared anymore! That we are here to stay! That we are not going to hide ourselves away just because they don't like us! This was not a hideaway for scared creatures! This place was a monument of creature history! To show that we are strong, and just as deserving as humans! This was to show that we are to be equal and for us to come out of hiding and be free to be ourselves for once!"

There was silence for a few moments, as all the creatures took in the argument, before complaints and arguing filled the staff room again. Selena simply sighed before standing, it was all it took for everyone to stop and stare at her, seeing her this neutral meant something was brewing inside her. Having her let it out, especially with them as the victims, was not a good idea. They all sat quietly waiting for her to speak.

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