Chapter 6

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Monday came around, the staff settled in their divide, students heard of the vote, the website was made and the campus was buzzing. Selena was receiving praise and glares from both staff and students, there was a clear divide even among the students now. She knew what was going to happen, that people would have their own opinions, that people would talk and gossip. She just thought that the staff would be more mature than that.

Nyx spoke to her students about how having a human would be good for them. They could be part of creature history, push their school forward, push their school to the top of the chain. They would be able to "learn about a world that they would never fit into," not really fully, and they could learn of their ancestors' connection to that world. They could learn from someone who had gone through the education system, and compare it to their own. They could learn of the differences, of the similarities, of a world "not even a mile away from their own." They could have a human who would not threaten them in any way, and whom they could feel safe around.

Ginerva Hawks, professor of spellwork for magicals, and harpy, was on the side of wanting Miranda there. She had begun the week with a practical; healing spells for humans, and a student had asked her what she thought of the votes. Ginerva stated how she "quite liked humans" as they were rather entertaining. She shared how she knew of some of the townspeople's strange bad habits. Mr Whitson, who worked in the market, and how he enjoyed walking through the park with a notepad in hand every other day. Shameka Mills, who was a retail worker in a nearby large shop, enjoyed matching her headband colour to her clothing every day. Mila Hassan, who worked as a park ranger, typically would switch the way she wore her hijab, as she was only recently converted and was not used to it yet.

Karren Thompson, professor of language and literature, and fairy shapeshifter mix, also wanted the human there. She wanted to learn about humans and how they acted and behaved. She had always been curious, pouring over literature and joining online forums, to learn about humans. The questions she had were for students who had met humans, whether they were a demi-creature or had just had an experience in the past. Soon all of her classes had heard her questions. What were they like? Did they really have such boring hair? She had seen pictures of humans with colourful hair. Did they really form packs like werewolves in school?

Ian McMillan, professor of mathematics studies, and witch, was also wanting her there. He was known as the most active of the staff to want Mirnada there. He was all for change, growing up as a witch, the closest breed of creature to humans and human culture, meant that he was the most likely of the staff to be able to integrate with Miranda. He was less vocal when asked by students, preferring to stay rather calm and collected when debating with pupils. He would argue his points, listen to responses, and then quiet down about the topic for the rest of the lesson. Several of the more sheltered students had questions for him, as witches, and other magical folk, were known to mix with humans and disguise among them, which he answered solely with facts. Never mentions his own opinion of humans. He held his opinion of, yes, humans were both good and evil, to himself.

Minxus Jinx, professor of food and catering, and werewolf, was adamant that having a human professor would be good. She and her brother had been taken care of by a human, a woman named Marie Penduline, whom she adored, and who had forever given her the impression that humans could care for creatures. Students were unsure whether to ask her for her opinion, given that her brother was incredibly loud with his opinion, but they managed to get it out of her. They all got lectured about the existence of demi-creatures, and how they prove that humans and creatures can, in fact, mix and be together.

Issa Jacklynne, professor of social studies and shadow creature, was all for Miranda getting the job. She had never really been exposed to humans, quite literally, choosing to hide in the shadows. She was frightened of humans, no doubt, but it was a fright that would be sated by meeting a human. Much like the fairy of the group, Issa was far too curious and asked her students questions. Her students weren't always able to answer her questions though, as they tended to be rather odd. Why did they partake in such soul-sucking work? They always seemed to complain about it. Why were humans, from an incredibly young age, forced into schools? Should it not have been a choice?

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