Chapter 3

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Selena brought the silken black robe around herself, sighing at the nice feeling of the fabric on her bare skin. She got off of her bed, making sure to avoid stepping on Nyx's clothing lying on the floor, why she enjoyed leaving them sprawled around like that she didn't know. The woman liked to walk around without clothing for some reason.

She walked over to the desk in her room, picked up her glass, and taking a sip, sat down in her chair. It had become a pattern for them; her and Nyx. They would sleep together in her room every other Thursday night, afterward Nyx would go into the bathroom and bathe, while she sat at the desk doing whatever work she could find; emails, grading, setting homework.

She was making her way through her glass of water slowly as she let her emails load up on her laptop, she looked through and found nothing new. She had nothing to grade, nothing to set... she didn't know what to do. She hated this Limbo she would be in if she had nothing to do, once she and Nyx would finish. She sighed as she opened and closed her various inboxes.

Then that insufferable woman's name appeared on the screen. Miranda Smithson, the woman whom she had interviewed that morning, the human who had caught her interest for all of a few moments. Still... those few moments had her speaking rather freely, it was strange.

If you asked any of the other creatures at the school, staff, or students, then they would tell you she hated humans, despised them, and thought they were the scum of the Earth. No one could tell you why, just that Selena had always been like that. It was rather normal for creatures to hate humans, seeing as they had been hunted for centuries.

It was as normal as humans being frightened of creatures, it was just a fact that most humans hated creatures and most creatures hated humans. Most. There were, of course, stories, especially in modern times, of creatures and humans getting together, even reproducing. Those abominations of children were always stuck in a constant Limbo of being too weak for the world of creatures but not human enough for the human world. She truly pitied the children, it was their parents' fault they were born, not theirs.

She ended up opening up a draft email with Mirnada as the receiver... but her hands seemed unsure of what to type, or whether she was rejecting or accepting the woman. She groaned. The woman had impressed her, she seemed so kind, so willing to learn, to adapt to the world of creatures. It was... almost admirable, so strange of a human woman. She didn't know whether she would fit in, but with the changing world having a human teacher might be good for her students.

Hatred of anyone being ingrained in you wasn't a good thing, especially if it was over an entire species. Perhaps having a human teacher would be good for them, it would give them a perspective she was never given, a safe environment to learn about humans. Something that not many creatures were given the chance to do.

There was always the risk of Miranda harming them though, she could end up being a horrid person who was only here to harm her students. Could she allow a human such a chance to become closer to creatures? Could she break a promise that had been with her for decades? Her promise to keep herself away from humans, it had to be kept, it had to be preserved... right?

Then the door to her bathroom opened. She laid her head in her arms, not wanting to look at Nyx, knowing what she was going to say. She knew that she was going to be far too easy to push, especially in her state of euphoria that still hadn't gone. Why did that state always stick after Nyx? It had not been with people she had been with before her. Everything seemed strange to her at the moment.

Nyx was a dark-skinned witch, a gorgeous magical who may have been on the shorter side, making her standing next to Selena particularly funny. Her eyes were a gorgeous chocolatey brown, her lips were usually painted a deep red but she had washed away her makeup in the shower. She had her dark brown hair cut into a bob shape, curly hair coiling around her head in a triangle-esque shape. She had a deeper voice that always seemed smooth like caramel.

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