Chapter 1 : what is it?

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The atmosphere is one of controlled urgency, where the hum of activity blends with an undercurrent of tension. Officers move with purpose, their expressions ranging from steely determination to weary resolve. The air is thick with a mix of anticipation and apprehension, as individuals await their fate or seek justice. Conversations echo off the walls, punctuated by the occasional clang of cell doors and the steady rhythm of dispatch calls. The scent of coffee mingles with the sterile aroma of cleaning products, creating a peculiar blend that permeates the space. In the midst of it all, there's a palpable sense of authority and responsibility, as law enforcement personnel uphold order and navigate the complexities of their profession.

The sharp click clack of the heel resonates through the corridor punctuating the otherwise subdued atmosphere of the police station. Each step reverberates with confidence and purpose, echoing the determined stride of the individual wearing them. The sound of a chair being removed fills the room with a subtle but distinct noise, a soft scrape against the floor that interrupts the otherwise steady background hum of activity.

Officer Smith who was immersed into observing the papers and the pictures in his hands, looked up due to the tapping sound of the heels.

Norah : "good morning officer Smith, it is good to see you after the previous case. Anyway what did you called me for?"
Norah asked, casually taking a  picture in her hands which was lying on the table which was of a man, it was a grim and unsettling sight, whose body was mercilessly stabbed numerous times just for the killer's satisfaction.

Norah : "poor thing" she kept the picture, sealing her lips into a thin line before leaning back on the chair I assume this is what you called me for?

Officer Smith : "that is right miss Park. We have a suspect but we are not sure of that and this time it is more than just spying on the person."

Norah : "so how did you suspected him?"

Officer Smith : "this is the same murderer who has done all the crimes and I am sure of that because he always leaves a note" he passed her a paper, it was messy and wrinkled, blood had seeped through it's fibres eventhough it is not damp anymore, Norah took the paper from him and read the words carefully "sow fear, reap silence" it said..

He passed her another paper which was in the same condition and the same lines..

Officer : "so you see"

Norah : "I understood."

Norah : "so what is that extra thing you wanted me to do?"

Officer : "well we will go to that topic but first let me tell you, the suspect is a professor from Veridian university...."

Norah nearly choked "A what? That is so unexpected. Damn. This is why I always hated teacher..." she mumbled

Officer Smith let out a fake cough to get her attention "let's talk more about the topic and how i suspected him"

Norah nodded

Officer : "so the thing is my son goes to the same university, the professor is in and when he saw the letters, he confessed that their Professor also has the same kind of handwriting, not like I am jumping into conclusions but you never know what someone is doing in the darkness....."

Officer Smith sighed as he proceeded

Officer Smith : "I want you to keep a track on him by joining the university under a fake identity, I am going to help you with the paperwork and admission..."

Norah : "ok..I understood. Leave it upon me" she smirked, keeping the pictures back in the table and pulling her elegant black coat together.

Noah : "I will figure out soon what I can do but for now please show me the picture."

Stay tuned for the next part! borahae

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