Chapter 3 : Crossing Paths

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In a cozy room, a soft, dimly lit lamp casts a warm glow, enveloping the space in a gentle ambiance. Bookshelves line the walls, their wooden frames filled with an array of books, their spines varying in color and thickness. Through the curtains, moonlight filters in, casting ethereal patterns on the floor. The air is infused with the rich, velvety notes of vanilla, intertwined with the soothing warmth of sandalwood. As the candles flicker, they release whispers of lavender and jasmine, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and relaxation. With each breath, the scent dances delicately, weaving its way through the space and wrapping you in its comforting embrace.

Norah's POV

I sat on my study table comfortably with a cup of coffee, i returned home at almost midnight after closing a case, I didn't felt like eating dinner or sleeping so soon as I was neither hungry nor sleepy, so I sat with the album in my hands which I borrowed from Mr Smith, as I turned about the laminated pages going through each and every detail o the student, I couldn't help but feel a hint of uneasiness, though it is common for me, I am always involved in these kinds of cases and they are not really surprising eventhough I never thought a murderer could be that much intelligent to even take up a job as a professor to cover up.

Not like I am underestimating anyone because criminals are master minds when it comes to hiding evidences or bodies...they surely have to be intelligent enough to do that.

I kept the book aside as I left out a sigh of relief, yes I have a sharp memory to absorb details of a bunch of students well I am talking about my future classmates, I opened my laptop as I filled the papers of admission and etc with a fake identity while Mr Smith helped me with it obviously, it is not an easy process but he kept all his other works aside and did it all because there is nor an excuse to be late, people are getting murdered anonymously and brutally with or without a reason..well most probably.

As you wake up in the morning, you found yourself greeted by the gradual ascent of the sun, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink. The room slowly fills with warm light, casting shadows that dance across the walls, while the world outside comes alive with the promise of a new day. It's a serene moment of transition, where the beauty of nature intertwines with the quietude of awakening.

BUT that is an exception.

You were already 5 minutes late to wake up, it was a mess. You quickly jumped down from the bed and ran towards the bathroom to freshen up and do your private bussiness, you kept cursing under your breath for being so careless. After showering you quickly slipped a black hoodie and grey trousers, did your make up to look ugly duh by painting your face rough not like the usual, you did that because he could know you eventhough you are an underworld detective/spy as well but so is he! If he is one, there is no way you could gurantee he doesn't/does know about your existence, it is just to avoid risks nothing more or less.

After finishing the last touches you somehow, you inserted a bread inside your mouth, how can a hungry stomach think straight huh?

Eventhough the whole morning was hectic, luckily you found the bus which was going straight up to your university, now that God is finally taking your side. You rode the bus and it drove off to your destination.

The exterior of a university featured a mix of modern and traditional architecture, with grand entrance gates, imposing academic buildings, and sprawling lawns. You saw students walking or cycling around the ground, trees lining pathways, and benches where people gather to chat or study. The university's name and emblem are displayed prominently, adding to the sense of identity and pride. It was an impressive view and you thought you could get lost any moment. You shrugged off the thoughts and proceeded to move inside.

you found a dynamic mix of bustling corridors, lecture halls filled with eager students, and quiet study spaces where people pore over textbooks and laptops. The buildings are organized by department, with classrooms equipped with modern technology for lectures and presentations. There are also libraries stocked with books and digital resources, laboratories for scientific research, and communal areas like cafeterias and student lounges where people gather to socialize or relax between classes. The interior reflects the institution's dedication to learning and innovation, fostering an atmosphere of intellectual curiosity and collaboration.

You found students rushing to classes, professors engrossed in discussions, and various events happening. The campus reflects the institution's culture and values, with diverse architecture and vibrant student life. And you remembered your student days.

As you climbed up the stairs heading for your lesson, while examining the hallways, your distraction led you to slightly slip from the stairs, as you lost your balance and was ready to be taken to the nurse's office later on........but why couldn't you feel anything...?

Upon opening your eyes, you found the most handsome face close to yours as your mind quickly told you he was the one you were looking for, his hands were behind your waist, his touch was gentle yet firm which prevented you to fall on the floor with a loud thud....suddenly a wave of discomfort, embarrassment  and panic rushed through your body causing you stand back straight. Your face was so red due to embarrassment that you couldn't look up at him, it was the first day and you  already messed, what an idiot..tsk!

You were bowing infront of hin continously, apologizing again and again. Though you were not so submissive and you would close that chapter by saying sorry for once but your acting was necessary and everything depends on it, no matter what you had to act submissive..

Stay tuned for the next part! 💜

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