Chapter 4 : The Convergence

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"It is okay, mistakes happen..." His voice was a rich baritone, resonating like the low hum of a cello. Each word he spoke seemed to carry weight, filling the room with its depth and authority. It was a voice that commanded attention, with a timbre that could soothe or intimidate, depending on his mood. Although his face features didn't seemed to have that kind of a deep, spine chilling voice. It was deep..yet soothing...

You pretended to take a minute to respond and nodded slowly looking down, while fixing your big heavy spectacles.

"You must be new hear I suppose?"

Norah: "Y-yes p-professor...I is my first day here.."

"No worries...first day is always stressful, hope you enjoy in here..he left a low hum and nodded and walked away"

You left a long sigh, "What was that...darn.."


The classroom was a spacious, well-lit room with rows of desks facing a central podium. Large windows allowed natural light to filter in, illuminating the space and creating a conducive environment for learning. The walls were adorned with educational posters and displays, while a whiteboard and projector stood ready for presentations. The atmosphere buzzed with anticipation as students eagerly awaited the day's lesson, their notebooks open and pens poised.

You sat down at one of the empty spaces, away a bit from other students, because you don't want any kind of distraction or disturbances, you just want to mind your business, though it would be good to have a friend around if you want to collect information about his behaviours and attitude..

Speaking of a friend, a boy sat next to you, he was wearing thick glasses as well, he didn't seemed to be new because he wasn't nervous at all, you were nor either because you are experienced already duh and it is just a bunch of kids and you are the oldest, nothing to be nervous about..

The boy who sat beside you was a  bespectacled figure with a perpetually curious expression, his eyes alight with the excitement of discovery. His unkempt hair seemed to have a mind of its own, often falling across his forehead as he buried himself in books or tinkered with gadgets. Clad in a mismatched ensemble of graphic tees and plaid shirts, he wore his passion for all things nerdy proudly.

"Hi I am Yoshi, good, nice to meet you. Are a new student?"

Despite the occasional social awkwardness, his intellect and charm shone through, earning him admiration from you.

Amber (Norah) : "Yes..uh good morning to you too..and..I am Amber..nice to meet you too"

Yoshi : "Oh! That is such a nice name, are you liking this environment and surroundings so far?"

Amber : "Yes ofcourse!, it is like a dream university! But I am still looking forward to the teaching methods....btw who is the best professor here?"

Yoshi : "about personal favourite is Mr Kim, he is really a great teacher! Teaches us so many things outside studies also, he is cool and kind and intelligent--"

He was cut off when he entered, so the first period is his..interesting.

As soon as he entered, the students stood up and wished him good morning gratefully, seems like he is everyone's favourite huh? Such a  smart manipulator..

As the class proceeded to continue, you were observing his behaviour and attitude..with a laid-back demeanor and a quick wit, he effortlessly blended authority with approachability. The classroom was a vibrant space where laughter and learning intertwined seamlessly. He engaged students through interactive discussions, real-life examples, and multimedia presentations, he was dressed in trendy attire that reflected his youthful spirit, he effortlessly bridged the generation gap, earning the admiration and respect of students. Yet, beneath his cool exterior, lay a genuine passion for education and a deep commitment to nurturing the potential of every student who crossed his path.

What amused you is that, this cool, knowledgeable and professional teacher could be an underground killer....what would the students feel if they found out about this...what will be their reaction if their trust gets broken like a fragile glass?


Soon it was the lunch time, you quietly sat at a random table to eat your food, you just had a piece of beagle in the morning, and you were hungry as hell so you chose the best food which was fried chicken, vegatables, kimchi and rice and an orange juice besides them. You were eating your food while observing some of the students quietly when nobody noticed your gaze on them.

But a voice interuppted in between

Yoshi : "hey Amber...can I sit beside you if you don't mind?"

To this you understood a lot about him and you were right about your intuitions, he was probably being bullied and had no friends just like every cases but when he was solving the maths sums before the teacher, you knew he was extremely smart

Amber :"yeah sure"

He quietly sat down with his tray of food, he only took a sandwich Despite all other options and by the way he was eating it was obvious he hated them

Amber : "hey do you not like your food?" "I mean the way you are scrunching your nose"

Yoshi : n-no it is not like that hahaha

Amber : "Oh..but in case you want to u can have mine"

Yoshi : "ok thanks are so sweet"

He smiled and I smiled back and gave him half of my chicken and just assumed that he or his family may not have a stable financial condition so you were happy to help.

?? : "Oh look the nerd got himself a bestfriend like him"

A discordant, raspy voice interupted in between making you both turn at the direction, damn typical stupid bully, you thought to yourself and sighed.

Yoshi : " can just leave us in peace.. "

Mateo :"or what nerdy? You gonna beat us? Duh!" He laughed out loud

I rolled my eyes I wanted to punch him in the face but I couldn't I had to keep myself calm and I am trained to do so, I don't wanna get into a trouble.

My eyes widened when Mateo pulled Yoshi up by his collar from his seat
when he was eating

Mateo : "how dare you ignore me huh?!"

?? : "Mateo what are you doing?"

A cold deep voice spoke, making all us look at the direction and it was Professor Kim, Mateo, not wanting any trouble for himself left his collar and gritted his teeth, whispering to Yoshi "I will see you later, looser"

Professor Kim : unless you don't want any suspend letter from us

He glared at Mateo and his group, while Mateo looked down probably cursing him internally but no one cares literally.

Professor Kim : "I have been observing you for so many times, and I thought he might just be your friend with whom you are having fun"

Professor Kim : "trust me Mateo if I find you bullying Yoshi or Amber or anyone, it won't end well for you, you must know that our university certainly holds a good prestige and power and we will make sure you will never be able to study again in any university in this town"

He warned strictly as Mateo and his friends nodded slowly

Yoshi : "thank you Professor Kim, you are truly a remarkable teacher" he thanked him with a smile

Professor Kim : "it is just my job as a teacher"

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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