Chapter Four

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After breakfast, I retreated to our room and exchanged my saree for my usual clothes. I discreetly tucked my revolver into my pocket, ensuring Arnav remained oblivious. As I prepared to depart, he stopped me.

"Where are you going?" Arnav questioned.

"I have some business to attend to," I responded, my tone firm, not turning to face him.

"To kill someone, correct?"

"Perhaps to rescue someone," I retorted, knowing full well that I had never taken a life for power, wealth, or personal gain. I only targeted those who escaped justice due to their influence and wealth.

"That's not your responsibility. Stay here. If you cease these unlawful actions, I might consider accepting you as my wife," Arnav proposed.

"I can't stop now. I am a hope for many, and I can't abandon them to their fate for my love or life," I declared, attempting to leave.

But Arnav seized my hand, pinning me against the wall. His gaze penetrated mine, and we savored the moment. I felt his hand on my bare waist, his eyes gleaming with mischief. His other hand traced my back, rendering me breathless. His actions confused me. I needed to leave, but his touch stirred a different desire within me. His gaze dropped to my lips, and I didn't want him to kiss me now, knowing it would weaken me. Gathering my strength, I pushed him away before he could claim my lips. I swiftly exited the room and drove away in my car.

I visited the hospital where a young girl had been drugged and molested by her college peers.

"Madam, look at what they've done to my daughter. She was savagely assaulted by those monsters. After my husband's death, my daughter is my only beacon of hope. She's a talented student with aspirations of becoming a doctor.

She's currently pursuing her MBBS on a scholarship. One of her seniors pursued her romantically, but she rejected him. In retaliation, he behaved inappropriately towards her. She defended herself by slapping him. That night, he drugged her, kidnapped her, and he and his friends tormented her for three days. Yesterday, they left her in this condition in front of my house."

Hearing her story brought tears to my eyes. I immediately instructed Pranay to identify these culprits. The main offender is the son of a Central Minister, and the others also come from affluent backgrounds. I commanded my team to kidnap these miscreants and bring them to my hideout within three hours. I assured the doctor that I would cover all medical expenses for her treatment.

My team brought those culprits to my hideout and tied them to a rod hanging from the ceiling. They were subjected to the same brutality they had inflicted on the girl. Arnav called me while I was administering this.


"Return home immediately," demanded Arnav.

"I'm at work, Arnav. I can't come home right now," I explained.

"Kali, you're my wife now. You promised to prove yourself as a good wife within six months. Come home this instant," Arnav insisted, abruptly ending the call.

I instructed my team to kill them and began my journey home. However, I received a call from the girl's mother and immediately rushed to the hospital. The doctor declared her as dead. I comforted her mother and stayed with her until the funeral was over. The police arrived for an inquiry, and her mother narrated the entire incident. I knew they wouldn't take any action, but justice had already been served. I relocated her mother to a safe location and arranged for her protection, anticipating the repercussions.

I reached home around 1 AM. I knocked, and Arnav opened the door.

"Do you know what time it is?" he asked.

"Arnav, I was tied up with some important work."

"I asked you to come home in the afternoon. But you disregard my words. I fail to understand why a woman like you needs marriage and family."

"I'm sorry," I apologized, unable to explain my situation. Arnav looked disappointed and retreated to his room. I freshened up and, exhausted, prepared to sleep.

"Did you eat anything after breakfast?" Arnav inquired. I then realized that I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast.


"You didn't, did you?" Arnav said sternly. He brought me some fruits and milk.

"It's not healthy to sleep on an empty stomach. Eat, then sleep."

I nodded and smiled.

"From tomorrow, no matter what, you should be here by 10 AM. No excuses," Arnav instructed, and I smiled in response.

"If you don't arrive by then, no one will open the door for you," Arnav warned.

"I'll unlock the door on my own," I replied, to which he glared.

"You may be a Mafia Queen to the world, but I'm not afraid of you. To me, you're just Kali."

"Listen carefully. As my wife, you should heed my words."

"Of course, I'm all ears. I'm not wearing any headphones," I joked.

"Are you kidding?" Arnav questioned, his tone serious. I found myself drawn closer to him. The intensity of his gaze quickened my pulse. What was happening to me? I had never felt this way before with anyone. This man would definitely kill me with his charm. I gently traced my forefinger from his temple to his lip, winking at him.

"What's going on?" Arnav asked.

"Since you don't like me kidding with you, I thought I'd engage in something more fitting for us as a couple and as adults," I replied, planting a kiss on his neck.

"Kali, step back," Arnav instructed, but I ignored him and continued to tease him, reveling in his bewildered expressions. However, within moments, Arnav did something that left me utterly taken aback.

Hi readers, how is the update? What did Arnav do that made Kali shocked? Could he save her from Kalki?

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