Chapter Ten

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"Right. I shouldn't give control over me to anyone but should keep everyone in my grip."

"Absolutely, madam. Arnav is just your slave and servant. You shouldn't give him the chance to control you."

"Shut up. Just remember that you are talking about my husband. I don't understand this generation where wives want to keep their husbands in their grip and husbands try to control their wives. Both are two individuals who came together to form a sweet family, not to engage in a power struggle."

"Look, Pranay, I never intended to control Arnav or keep him in my grip. And I'm sure Arnav doesn't intend to play such games with his wife either."

"I married him to build a family based on love, trust, compassion, and support. Arnav has asked me many times to focus on my work while he takes care of his brother, but it's me who insisted he leave for his job. We have coordination between us. If I have something important, Arnav will take care of Siddharth. I have the freedom to pursue my goals, but I also willingly take up the responsibilities as the daughter-in-law of the family."

"My husband is not a slave or servant to me. He's the ruler, and I am his companion. If I want to be a Queen, I should treat my husband as a King. I can't expect him to treat me with love and respect if I try to keep him in my grip like a servant. I respect and love my husband, and I know Arnav respects and loves me too. A relationship built on love lasts forever, while control eventually leads to its demise. Even if the relationship continues, love will extinguish."

"I firmly believe that a person who's insecure and lacks self-confidence tries to control their life partner to feel powerful and confident. But I am confident in my abilities and strength, both in my business and the Mafia world. So, within our family, I don't need to exert control to validate my worth—I already know it."

"So never try to manipulate me with your stupidity. And you have no right to interfere in my personal life. I can say this simply but your thought frustrated me. Remember this: my husband is my hero, so never speak cheaply about him. Mind it, or I won't hesitate to fire you. Consider this a friendly warning."

"I apologize, madam. I will never speak this way about sir again."

"That's better for you."

With that, I disconnected the call. When will people understand that everything in a relationship should be mutual? Insulting our life partner is an insult to ourselves too. As I turned to leave, I noticed Arnav standing behind me.

"Arnav, when did you come? Did you have your lunch?"

Did he listen to my conversation? What would he think of this? What if he misunderstands my words?

"I did, and you?"

"Yeah, just now. I will go to Siddharth's room,"I said, but before I could leave, Arnav pulled me toward him, holding my wrist. I kept my hand on his shoulder to steady myself.

"He's sleeping. No hurry."

"So what do you want me to do now?"I questioned innocently, playfully winking at him.

"Should I tell you? Don't you know what to do with your husband?"

Arnav said, cupping my face with his hand. His touch sent shivers down my spine. This guy was my insanity. Arnav leaned in closer, bending his head to kiss the side of my neck.

"I love you even more after hearing your perspective on husbands and family. As every newlywed, I had my fears about how my wife would treat me and my family. But today, all those fears vanished. Thank you for understanding and accepting me and my family with love."

"I promise you that I will never insult or disrespect you, even in anger or for a joke. You are my companion and equal. I will always treat you with love and respect."

Arnav's lips met mine in a gentle embrace, causing me to close my eyes and savor the sweetness of his presence. Today, my heart's desire for love was fulfilled.

"Kali, it's been a while since you last went to the office. Your work is important too. Focus on it. Siddharth is improving, I'll look after him," Arnav said.

"Don't pay attention to what Pranay said," I replied.

"No, I'm not. I'm telling you this because I mean it, not because of Pranay," Arnav assured me.

With each passing day, my connection with Arnav deepened, bringing me immense joy and support. Siddharth's health improved, and he returned to Delhi for his studies. One day, Arnav and I went on a date to a resort, where we enjoyed meaningful conversations, shared our thoughts, and cherished our private moments together.

"Kali, would you ever forgive me if you discovered I'd kept a secret from you?" Arnav's question hung in the air, unexpected and heavy.

I paused, searching his face for clues. "If it doesn't shatter my heart, then yes, I could forgive."

"I hope it never comes to that," he replied, his voice a low thrum of sincerity.

I rose, intending to brew some tea, but Arnav's hand on my arm stilled me. "Stay, please. We need to talk."

His earnest gaze compelled me to sit again, a knot of concern tightening in my stomach.

Our conversation was on the cusp of beginning when a knock at the door sliced through the tension. Arnav answered it, only to be met with a sudden onslaught. Goons burst in, their intentions clear as they lunged towards us. Instinct took over; I drew my revolver and fired, my shots punctuating the chaos. I leapt into the fray, my foot connecting with an attacker's chest. I kicked, punched, and shot, my fighting skills taking over. Arnav was at my side in an instant, fighting back with a ferocity that matched my own.

Amidst the chaos, a sharp pain pierced through my body as I felt a foreign substance injected into me from behind. The room began to spin, my eyelids growing heavy with drowsiness. Yet, amidst the haze, I caught fragments of a conversation that sent a chill down my spine.

"Kalki? You're here? Are you Kali's husband?" The words were directed at Arnav, and my heart skipped a beat.

Arnav’s focus never wavered. He continued to fight, revolvers blazing in both hands as he defended us against the remaining attackers. Some fled, wounded and defeated. My grip on reality slipped further, and just as I teetered on the edge of unconsciousness, Arnav rushed to my side, cradling me in his arms.

"Are you Kalki?" I managed to utter, my voice barely a whisper, before succumbing to the darkness that enveloped me, unaware of the answer that awaited.

Hi readers, how is the episode? Is Arnav, Kalki? Is he a good person or a pervert? Could Kali accept this marriage that's full of secrets and betrayal? Could she escape from Kalki, a man of ego and arrogance? Don't forget to vote and comment, if you like this book or this episode.

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