Chapter Eleven

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I blinked my eyes open, disoriented. The room was unfamiliar—definitely not my cozy apartment or Arnav's elegant house. The sterile walls and clinical furniture screamed "hospital," but it wasn't that either. My head felt like a lead weight, and I struggled to piece together what had happened.

The memories flooded back—the attack, the sharp prick of a needle in my back, and then darkness.

"Madam, please take this juice."

A maid appeared, holding a tray with a glass of orange liquid. Her eyes were kind, but I needed answers. "Arnav? Where is he?" I asked, my voice shaky. "Is he safe?"

"Sir will be here soon," she assured me. "Please drink this juice first."

"No," I protested. "I need to see him. Where am I? Call Arnav."

"Madam, relax. You're safe. Let me fetch him."

I couldn't wait. My legs wobbled as I pushed myself off the bed, using the wall for support. The door loomed ahead, and I stumbled toward it. Just as I was about to collapse, strong arms caught me.

"Kali, what's going on? Where are you going?" Arnav's voice was a lifeline.

"Are you okay?" I blurted out, my concern raw. "Did they hurt you during the attack?"

He held me steady, guiding me back to the bed. "I'm fine," he said, his eyes searching mine. "Don't worry. You're still under the effects of the sedative those idiots gave you."

I sank onto the bed, resting my head on his shoulder while he made me drink the juice.

Kalki—that goon had called him Kalki. The name echoed in my mind, a puzzle piece I couldn't place.

"Are you Kalki?" I demanded, locking eyes with Arnav. His expression shifted, and he closed his eyes briefly.

"Kali, rest. We'll talk later. You're weak," he said, avoiding my question.

"I'm never weak, Mr. Kalki," I retorted. "Your escape attempt confirms it. So, you're Kalki."

He sighed. "Kali, I'll explain everything."

I pulled a chair closer, crossed my legs, and retrieved the pistol from my secret pocket—the one designed just for me.

"Go on, Kalki. You may think you won this game by seducing me and sleeping with me, but game with Kali is not that easy. You started it; I'll finish it."

"Kali, you are not in the mood to listen to me now. We can talk later.'

"But I think you have absolutely nothing to cover up your betrayal."

"Kali, you're my wife. That won't change."

"Of course not," I snapped. "Do you see me as a helpless woman, resigned to her fate? No way. From today, I'll show you hell. Brace yourself, Kalki—you'll regret marrying me."

"Never. I'd love even hell if you were by my side."

His words ignited my anger. Kalki smirked, seemingly unfazed.

"I'll send you food," he said. "Eat, rest, and regain your strength. Then we can fight."

"Where's my mobile?"

"It was broken in the fight. I kept the SIM. You'll get a new phone soon."

As Kalki left, I locked the door. Why was this happening? My parents abandoned me, my grandfather raised me up for his benefit, and now Kalki ensnared me in love and marriage for his twisted desires. Memories of Arnav flooded my mind—every touch, every whispered promise—now tainted by betrayal.

Kalki, you should know that I won't let this pass lightly. I assure you, you will rue the day you betrayed me. It's never right to play with someone's emotions. I entered into this marriage believing your bride to be selfish. As a wife and daughter-in-law, I gave it my all post-marriage. But now, I see through your schemes. Brace yourself for the tables to turn, for now, it's my turn to play the game.

I wouldn't be a victim. Tears had abandoned me long ago. I was born to conquer, not grieve. Cool Kali would transform into a force he'd never anticipated.

A knock interrupted my thoughts. The maid brought food—I ate, fueling my resolve. Kalki's days of preying on women were over. I'd teach him a lesson that etched respect for women into his soul. Even in his dreams, he'd never dare treat a woman as a mere plaything.

In the evening, my peaceful world was once again disturbed by a knock on my room's door.

"Who's there?" I asked carelessly.

"It's Arnav."

I clenched my fists upon hearing that name. Why couldn't he just admit that he's Kalki?

"The doctor is here to check on you."

"Come in."

The doctor examined me.

"She's fine, Mr. Arnav. Just make sure she stays hydrated since she was unconscious for the last 24 hours. She'll be fine in two days."

"Thank you, doctor," Kalki replied. The doctor left and he sat beside me.

"Kali, you're right. I am Kalki. But for you, I am your husband. So don't worry."

"Really? As a husband, can you do me a favor? My legs are in pain. Massage them. You're my husband, after all. Can't you do at least that?" I said, placing my feet on his lap before he could move. Kalki glanced at me and smiled.

"Of course, my Rakshasi. As your husband, I'll do anything to make you happy and relieve your pain."

Kalki gently massaged my legs and feet without hesitation. After thirty minutes, I asked him to stop. As he tried to leave, I called him back.

"Bring me a hot ginger tea," I commanded, crushing his pride.

"Sure. Do you want me to make it?"

"That would be nice."


I was puzzled by his behavior and patience. I had heard that Kalki was egotistical and full of pride. He was the boss who listened to no one. So why was he acting so normal, without any ego? Was he pretending to deceive me once again? How long would he keep up this act? I would show him his place and make him realize what a woman is capable of.

Hi readers, how is the episode? Do you think Kali is doing right or Kalki has reason to do this? How would he deal with this situation? Is he good or pretending to be good? Don't forget to vote and comment, if you like the chapter.

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