The surface of it all chapter 5

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Once upon a time, sans in one other path diffrent timeline of each in he protected his brother from the inevitable, he ponder at the cost of saving his brother from there selfish esteem to kill.

In no regards of monster life.

But, because of that faithful tragedy, that once scorching smile between brother vanished with sans, looking back to the cruelty papyrus instead grew into a monster he didn't want, diffrent times create different senarios, In which a value can change the others affected, even at the most randomest times.

Sans counldn't help but be helpless on which path he should take to stop the madness.

But in reality, there wasn't a problem to his power alone, but what set his opponents back is frisk power to eithet continue or reset, hardly a unstoppable force, but reconing when fought alot of times can clearly show, flaws in everyone, an eye for an eye.

But there were also countless times when outside forces came to sans, one isntance is better unknown is the records of the old, royal scientist named gaster, that only a few knew but some of those few were either part of his experiments to pre-create potent monsters, it also led to his demise, sans was one of those few and quite knew gaster was still somewhere but dont know where.

At a dark abyss.

Devoid of time, made of unpredentent rates of 1 and 0, a lone figure stands baffled at the logs he seeing in his eyes, a code was extracted outside his knowledge.

Gaster: What an intresting mechanism to have, truely..

Extracted code re-routed files.

Code Sans.Xjepg

"Theres somethings I cant know for sure, but- I do know where your at"


What a world full of wonders, although encrypted some are left for my disposal.



'This just gotten serous.." sans refute to his head, now nearing to a potential being he can't kill in any means, he cant help but rear a sweat hiding from there glances somewhere, sans flee's in secret up south to escape from enterprise, teleporting at the farthest reaches of his eyes to the ocean, he floats midair again with his gaster blaster facing the island where interprise is.

Sans: See ya.. Enterprise" he frowns knowing already of many demises to come.

In a blink of an eye, sans with his gaster blaster they disspear to south-east heading directly at dragon empery.

2 hours of journey..

"There still much ocean.." sans sighed glinding mid air he couldnt seem to see less wster as he venture more deeper away his location, even when it was being rather dull ways, in between the skies, glinding among clouds, actually this was what sans always wanted for moster kind, to prosper in the surface.

In the bigining when sans was recruited as an assistant for gasters, laboratory filled with the brim of highly calssified monster experiments sans was actually one of those monsters, thats exactly how he's stronger compared to natural monsters, like undyne, asgore, etc.

But, since no matter the success, theres always something out of the ordinary, primarily sans low hp, and seen as the "weakest" monster although being a monster with max dps called KR.

Only dealing one damage, well countwise, sans deals himself takes 1 per, mili second under threath.

He may be a foe for even asgore to take down alone, however sans hp makes it a disadvantage his stamina can drain almost Immediately due to his mana consumption if attacked constantly.

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