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An: a warning to anyone who didn't read the tags. This is ddlb story and this chapter has the first mention of it. To clarify there will be an age regressing character and mentions of bdsm type relationships. Currently there is no plan to include any NSFW parts of these relation ships but if I do there will be none with this character whilst they are regressed.

You've been warned, if you still want to read I hope you enjoy :)


I woke up alone in a soft bed. The warmth was a stark but welcome contrast from what I was used to. The room was plane like a hospital room, but instead of a harsh white in, it was completely black and grey. I sat up against the plush pillows and noticed a small mark on my forearm, like the mark left from a needle. I didn't have long to ponder its origin or what would happen next. A door to the left of me opened slowly, revealing the man who brought me here.

"Good morning Lucas." He smiled gently as he sat in the chair next to the bed.

I looked down at my lap without speaking, only then realising that my clothes had been changed, leaving me in a set of grey pyjamas.

"I'm Dan and here to walk you through this wholse situation. I'm sure you've got a lot of questions, and I'm gonna do my best to give you all the answers, but first, I want you to watch this."
He pulled out a phone with a video already set up and pressed play. A woman appeared on the screen and began to speak.

"Hi there, if you're watching this, it means you have recently been claimed by the SHB project. Now, you're probably wondering..." The script was so cliche in its wording that I almost rolled my eyes, but still I found myself drawn into the video as she offered up the first explanation for this insane situation I had found myself in.

The video went on to explain the existence of what I could only describe as humanoid supernatural beings. Werewolves, vampires, you name it. They existed and had for as long as the human race. The other species watched as humans destroyed the world and each other. They decided to hide themselves away the humans, not out of fear but out of disgust. They observed as most humans slowly forgot about them, wrighting them off as pieces of fiction.

The supernatural world thrived in its newfound independence, only interacting with a select few humans tasked with keeping their secret and preventing people from finding their communities. They held onto the traditions and practices humans forgot, mostly those involving forms of magic and fate. These beings had a deep understanding of threads that tied people together, and that included a form of mate bond. A bond that connected two lives and guaranteed a close relationship. Unfortunately, sometimes, the threads of fatconnected a human and supernatural soul. Humans had long began to ignore such matters and lost any sort of intuition for these threads. That left supernatural natural beings to find and take their mates. As time went on, they found new methods, ways of finding these mated humans before the bond fully developed, before were even born. They sent out agents to lurk in the shadows, awaiting the perfect opportunity to strike a deal. A deal that allowed the Supernatural Human Bonds (SHB) project to claim the human once they were 18 and the bond was developed.

I stared at the screen as the video finished playing. My brain was overflowing with the new information and realisation that I'd never be able to go back to the life I'd known before.

Dan gently put his hand on mine as he took the phone from me.

"It's a lot isn't it?" He asked, not expecting the answer "Take all the time you need to process, and whenever your ready or have a question go a head."

I remained silent and unmoving for a few minutes.

"What..." I began, struggling to find the words "What, happens now?"

He smiled at my question.

"Well, our methods only allow us to see if a human child is mated to a supernatural not who to. So, while you were asleep we took a small blood sample."

I looked at the mark in my forearm, glad to know it's origin.

"We use that blood to find the supernatural you're mated with. Once we track them down they'll come here to meet you and arrange to take you with them to their community. It can take a little while dependent on where they are, this community acts as a sort of centre of operations for meetings and issues that involve multiple communities. In the meantime we'll teach you a bit more about our society and use the blood to determine and introduce you to your dynamic."

I blinked hard, as if the pressure could being me back to a life that made more sense.

"Dynamic?" I asked

Dan took his hand off of mine as reached into a drawer on the bedside table and pulled out a piece of paper.

"Supernaturals are more attuned to our needs and desires and the mate bond links us to people with corresponding needs and wants. Our relationships aren't like the type you're probably used to they're consider strange and unnatural by most humans but in reality they're the most natural thing you can have. Your mate will already know their role in the dynamic but because you weren't exposed to it, it will be a bit harder for you."

He held the paper for me to see. On it were two lists with lines between them connecting different terms.

Master ------ Pet

My eyes scanned the paper, taking in the strange titles.

"This is just a simplified list of dynamics." Dan explained,"most relationships will fall into a subcategory of one of these pairings."

I swallowed nervously as I tried to take in the information. I didn't really understand what it all meant.

Dan's hand found mine again

"I know this is probably really scary," he went on "but what ever dynamic you fall into will be the one meant for you. Playing your role in your relationship will allow you to feel happiness like you've never known, so try not to fight it. OK?"

"OK." I nodded

A part of me felt like I should be screaming, fighting every step of the way, but deep down it felt right. I felt safer and more at home in that room than I ever had before.

He squeezed my hand slightly as his smile grew.

"Now, while we wait for the result of your dynamic and role, I'm going to take you to the doctor to do a checkup."

Their Marked Baby BoyWhere stories live. Discover now