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I opened my phone as I reached my room, sending out a quick text to the group chat. I wasn't ever really active in the group, but I decided that it would be more useful than texting everyone one by one.

Good soup ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Atlas 15:40
You guys can come over whenever.

Kagami 15:41
Yo. I'm dragging Dar there now. Aaron's gonna be late. He got detention with Mrs B.

Rowan 16:00
Brody & I will be there in a bit.

Vivienne 16:02
Dam. I've got a shift at the café today. I won't be there. Sorry xxx

Jake peeked over my shoulder to peer at the texts. He looked mildly surprised by what he saw.

"You used the group?"

"Yeah. I figured there was no point in texting everyone individually." I shrugged.

(I've been calling you up 'cause I'm missing you)

"Fairs." He set down the book he was holding, twisting in my spinny chair and turning to face me. I raised an eyebrow from my place on the bed.


"What's going on with you? Brody? Rowan? Vivienne? I noticed Viv pulling you aside after last lesson, Atlas, don't deny it."

I stayed silent, thinking of exactly how much I should tell him. I hated leaving him in the dark, but I don't know... I felt like he drifted further away with each word I'd say about the whole thing.

"Viv wanted me to get together with Rowan. She was just saying a few things I should do, and thank me for apparently fixing something and helping her see something about her and Brody's relationship? I already told you that I have no intention of doing so and getting together with Rowan. There's nothing between me and Rowan, Jake. Nothing."

"And Brody?"

"It's... complicated."

He looked contemplative, but then changed the subject.

"I met a cute guy. Actually no, I think he's more hot than cute." He started.

My eyes widened in surprise. "Really? Who?"

Jake shrugged, but I wasn't stupid. I could see the giddiness leaking from his every pore.

"He's a barista. He works at Sil & Charles and god, his coffees are to die for. I tried to flirt with him and..."

"And?" I probed, leaning forward.

"He scribbled his number on the cup." Jake's cheeks lit up in a burst of pink and his hands immediately flew to his face, trying - and failing - to cover the blush.

I let out a startled chuckle, almost falling off the bed. "What is this? A movie? A romance novel? Did you call him?"

Jake scowled at me, but the red in his cheeks betrayed his faux anger. "Yes I did. Don't mock me otherwise I won't tell you."

I sobered up from my laughter, listening intently to whatever he was about to say.

"I texted him and he texted back and we got talking for a while," he spun once around in the chair, staring up at my ceiling, "and he asked me out."

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