7. Sabotage pt 2

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Marys POV (again ofc)

I wake up, excited for today. What's today you may ask? The official show obviously. The official show is when we all go around the town and show all of the town our amazing singing skills we have learned over the last 6 months.

I get up (before everyone, like usual) and walk to the bathroom. I walk in, and start doing my normal routine. When I got finished, I went to the drawer and grabbed my show outfit. I set it out carefully on the dresser until I noticed something. My eyes widened when I saw the dress. It had so many holes, stains, and.. is that dirt?!! Who did this?. I said to myself before thinking about a way to fix this situation. I don't really care THAT much about the show, it's just the fact that I have to tell mistress about the dress. I don't want to hurt anyone else or even get myself hurt. But I can't go out with a outfit not fit for the requirement, or mistress is going to hurt me. Bad. There's only one thing I can do. Just tell her.

I walk downstairs, walking slowly to mistress room with the dress in hand. I knock twice until I hear a enter signal. "Enter." I hear her old raspy voice say. I slowly open the door and walk into the room, standing directly infront of her desk. "Oh, mary. What could I assist you with?" She said. She seemed pretty happy to see me. What a suprise.? "Hello mistress. I woke up and noticed the state of my show dress." I hold up the dress for a better eye look. She looks down at the dress and back up at my eyes. I swear, her eyes always creeps me out. I feel like her eyes just forms a hole in my head every time she stares like that. "How did it happen." She said with a monotone voice, standing up from her seat. I flinch a little but kept my posture. "I'm not sure, but it must've been someo-" I get cut off. "Who.?" She said. "I-I don't know." I responded back. She nods. "Very well then, i will re-role the cameras to see who've done it. Thank you for reporting this to me as soon as possible." I bow before leaving the room. I start to walk upstairs and enter the room before someone grabs me at the door way.  I look to see who grabbed me. As I do, I hear her voice. "What did you go downstairs for.?" I know her! She was the one who took my book and threatened me. "Just to talk to mistress. See, my dress got destroyed and-" she holds to mouth shut. She seemed to look...scared.? "Listen to me. Your best friend, Beslie, is after you. She knows about how you're mistresses favorite girl and she is trying to change that." She whispers in my ear. What?. I don't believe it. "And why should I listen to you?" I ask. "Their is NO chance that my own bestfriend hates me." "She is faking it! She is the one who hides your stuff. I saw it with my own two eyes." She is still holding onto my shoulders as she says this. "How do you know she's jealous of me?" I ask, clearly confused. "She tells me. She tells me everything. She thinks I am on her  side but I'm not. I promise." This is bull. I pull away and start to walk away  before she stops me. "Listen. In a few minutes, when everyone wakes up, she will ask you if anything happened this morning. When you show her the dress she will say 'I can help you wash and sew it back together.' You both with go to the sewing room and she will hurt you. Bad. Now please take my warning and don't follow her. Whatever you do. DONT.FOLLOW.HER." I look surprised. That was WAY to specific to be a lie. She must be telling the truth. "Okay. I believe you. But how do we stop her?" She smiles slightly. "I have a plan."


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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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