〉 Let Me Mourn 〈

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"You know, it's shameful to admit, but I feel like a teenager who now has to navigate a long-distance relationship

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"You know, it's shameful to admit, but I feel like a teenager who now has to navigate a long-distance relationship."

"We're too old for this, right?" Carmina chuckled softly. "But if it reassures you, I don't intend to label this as a long-distance relationship."

"Oh? Then what will you call us?"

"You're the home I want to return to, and sometimes we're far from home."


"Welcome to Seoul." The automatic doors to the arrivals hall opened slowly, and Dae stepped into a world he had almost forgotten. Blinded by the never-ending flashes and deafened by the screams of fans, he froze in place as if his path were blocked.

"Are you okay, Daehyun?" The manager, who had appeared by his side unnoticed, seemed worried about the star's overwhelmed state.

Dae nodded in agreement, drew a deep breath, and held his head high. Despite the fans surrounding him, leaving no room for personal space, despite the security guards running around at full speed and the flashes of cameras flickering like a strobe light, he kept smiling. His mind wandered to Carmina's fiery locks, to the freckles he'd trace as she slept, to her soft kisses; to the moment she finally confessed her love, and to those few words when she called him home.

"Dae-ssi, Dae-ssi! Here! Where is your wife?!"

"Daehyun-ah!" The fans screamed furiously. "Why didn't you say you got married?"

Where is Carmina? Is she just a fling? Are you really married? You broke my heart! We ship you. You should stay single! She is so beautiful. Will she come to Korea? Did you two already divorce? You both look great together! She isn't a good match! Can we get exclusive?

Questions, accusations, compliments, and curses seemed endless, blending into something he couldn't even understand anymore. In a split second, he started missing the shores of the Amalfi Coast-their peace and silence. He missed the soothing feeling he found in Carmina's arms, the fingers that threaded through his hair, making him fall asleep in an instant.

Yet, even in this chaos, he couldn't forget his promise to Carmina-to set the record straight, to admit there was no wedding, merely a white lie for the sake of peace. She wanted to start anew, step by step. But in the face of the crowd's labelling of her as his wife, he hesitated. It felt like standing on the top of the world, a tempting taste of fulfilment he wasn't ready to let go of.

He never thought about a fresh start before. It seemed surreal. Yet, the mere thought of the plans they were making together was filling him with excitement. He didn't know where they would ultimately settle, who would visit whom first, or how their families would react. But it was these very unknowns that made him feel truly alive. For the first time in ages, he felt like he could shape his life based on his own desires. It was a moment of clarity unlike any other; he knew exactly what he wanted. He wanted Carmina, and he was prepared to forsake everything for her.

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