chapter 13.....izana

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Takemichi left them, after mikey told them the whole story about what did inopi tried , all his members were shocked after hearing it. Then they talked about a hidden group.

Mikey : now tell me about members of hidden group

Draken : we have no proof but atleast we know that the leader of hidden group... Is Izana

Mikey : oh my old brother and my biggest enemy ... I should have known that his the Only one who is capable to fight with me...

Smiley : not only him but his members are also strong...

Draken : Mikey what should be do now... We need to make a first before them or you have something else in your mind

Mikey : there is something that I really don't know that why izana did not make any move
He was already here... He always make First move they why... He didn't even harm my members.... So why

Draken : yeah that's weird

Angry : hey ... About hidden group they only make little bit move like they wanted make us aware that izana is back

Draken : or they wanted to know about your personal life Mikey

Mikey: my personal life what you mean draken?

Smiley : that's make sense.... Mikey your life means your weakness

Mikey : oh now I get it.. That why inopi did this takemichi.... Maybe just like you guys... Izana also knew that started to like him....

Draken : now we need to talk inopi about that.... Let's find out

Mikey : angry , smiley spy on hidden group I want to know about his members... And  baji and draken you guys keep eyes on izana...

After discussion, all Mikey's members left they Mikey went to inopi house to talk to him . At that time he finds out that it was izana who force him. He kidnap koko and blackmail him ... After it Mikey straight to takemichi.... He hugs him ....

Takemichi : Mikey are you alright... Whta happened...

Mikey : it's my enemy... They know about you... They can harm you... I really don't want to lose you takemichi....

Takemichi (hug him) : Mikey as long as you are hear I am okay.. ..

Mikey : hey takemichi... Promise me that you will carefull no matter what you need to think about yourself okay.... Please promise me that

Takemichi : Mikey... I promise

After hearing that Mikey touch takemichi face... And started to kiss him.... Takemichi also lose control and he also started to kiss Mikey back... Both of them were so passionate...

Takemichi : uh.. Mi.. Mikey

Mikey : don't worry my love at this time I will be gently....

Takemichi: do it....

Mikey *smile* : alright you already turned me on too... Now let's me in takemichi....

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