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In a corridor, decorated with silver furnitures and countless paintings, a young man leaned on the wall, he was of good shape and tall figure. He was apparently waiting for someone to come.

« So... you came » without even hearing footsteps, he sensed the arrival of another person, who had a cloak on, and the hood covered their face. The cloaked figure nodded.

« Here, she is right there » he said when opening the door next to him and pointed to the furthest corner in the room. It was a windowless room that has multiple torches, and right there was seated a fragile girl, tied and blind folded. Her unusually blue hair is cut short, pale skin and dry lips showed her unhealthy state. Her eyefold was bloody, especially around her right eye.

« You know, i don't mean to interfere with your decision, but i can assure you there must be some kind conspiracy, the cane ... you saw it yourself » The cloaked woman finally lost her composer, she revealed then her face under the hood, showing her concerned expression, alongside her young features and the dark circles under her eyes. She then looked at the man behind her, who couldn't share the same feeling of worry towards the young girl.

« I hope you stop interrupting me, and listen well » he said, she held her lips in a straight line, the man continued « i know she wasn't in her right mind when she hurt Begonie, i do ! But i can't let her roam freely, she didn't control herself, so she must be weak mentally, therefore she's dangerous »

« But it's all because of the damned cane, someone casted a controling spell in it, if you waited for me to investigate we would have stopped the real culprit. Also, she's lost an eye! How is everyone forgetting this fact, I heard Begonie got a scratch, but not enough to lead her pulk someones's eyes » she yelled. Then stopped and caught her raging breaths.

« I didn't take you for an emotional person, i tought highly of you » he pinched the bridge of his nose and said « I get to decide what would happen to her, and you know how unjust it will be to spare her. You know we never excused anyone before who threatened our peace»

« But i can't let her suffer like that, you know how much i did for her and Nacht, it's my responsibility to protect her » she insisted.

« But even Nacht is angry with her, his lover fell a victim to her » he said « In my eyes, and everyone else, you're just trying to protect a betrayer, which makes you a betrayer » he warned her, but his warnings fell on deaf ears.

« I don't see how it's relevant that she is a betrayer, that wasn't even her fault »

« You left, for God's sake, Grace ! Where were you when it all happened? You went on leisurely enjoying yourself in the earth, and isolating us just like your sister » He said, rage taking over him. But he stopped when he saw her shocked expression, his words were harsh and he himslef didn't believe what he just said to her.

« What other solutions do you have ? » she cut him before he even apologises « Do you think morphs can live outside with humans, and among sorcers, who look to control them? »

He stayed silent, because he knew that morphs and humans can't coexist with each other, morphs who feed on raw flesh and magic, whose looks can be terrifying, and whose animal instincts win above reason and sentiments. He knew that unless they live in a different world, they can't survive.

« I can do it, i'll do whatever you want and i'll suffer the consequences just let her be, I'll stay here too if you want I'll keep watching her untill she's able to control herself » she pleaded.

« Do you know the weight of what you're saying ? You're defying me for her, you're obssessed with her, all she does is wreak havoc» he was aware that Grace is able to defy all Lyrenia without effort, her powers exceeds anyone's and simply disagreeing with her is quite a disadvantage, but he felt betrayed, he didn't enjoy her going to such extent to help the daughter of a witch.

« I can't, she has suffered enough, she's barely 5 years old, she's but a child, you disapointed me but i won't disapoint myself » she blurted.

« Hey, you know... » he tried reaching at her, trying to touch her cheeks. It pained him obviously, how she was fighting still, not even concerned with her own exhaustion, her eyes looked sleepy, but fierce with rage at him. He loves her, she is his lover, but right they're defying each other.

« Yes, i know. You can't loose the faith of everyone here, not after you are showered in praise ad gratitude, and you'll be the most likely to be chosen as KING, you don't want to loose it by defending a traitor » she said « I will protect Nyxx, you protect Lyrenia, meaning, we don't need to continue this, we'll have our own paths now »

The woman, who had grey locks dangling from her ponytail, left the dark room, and the man stayed behind, still looking at the woman who just walked out.

« Well, i guess i have to deal with you now » He said, unfolding the rope from the girls eyes « You know, you can't stay in Lyrenia, i can't let you make us uncomfortable, i'm afraid i have to kick you out »

« Kick me out where, there's nowhere for me to go » she said still looking down, hiding her face behind her bangs as if in shame.

« Hmm, I can't have you lose your will to live, too bad, you're talented, but not strong, just some trainings and you'll be able to execute tons of people, just like you did today » he bent to her eye-level.

« I can't » she said with no emotions in her tone.

« The problem, is you don't have much choice, so i have a deal for you » he said.

« What deal ? » she said, finally looking up from the floor, her blue eyes reflecting the lights of the room, made a faint glow in her orbs.

« You see, i hate staying locked up in here, the world is so wide and big, we are not obliged to live in this island, so i tought why don't we eliminate the cause of our isolation ? » he bent down to her eye level . « you will be sent out there to wipe everyone i want wiped, and you'll get to live. »

« Out there? Where are dying to exterminate us » she asked

« True, but it's the other way around, you'll be the one to kill, because nothing can beat a morph with magical ability, even if it was wounded and sick just like you » said the man « Sombra, that's you now »

« You're sick too, to your information » she retorted back.

« Yeah, I'm sick that's why I need your abilities » he said.

« I'll be doing all your dirty work, while you rest here » she scoffed.

« Pretty much, yeah » he got up, and added « I'll be seeing you a lot now, Sombra » he then too left the room.

« I hope you don't mind me using your niece as a weapon now, do you ? » he said to the grey haired woman who was just waiting at the door of the dark room.

« I never tought you'd stoop this low » she said faintly, her eyes glittering with guilt and pity, while he sighed.

« We had an agreement, and i just did what you told me, i'll use Nyxx to get rid of people hunting us down, she will be sent away for some time untill things get clamer here, then she can come back. And you... » he said approaching her « ... you'll have to be stuck with me here »

« Okay » she said « She doesn't remember much from her incident, and she doesn't need to know about me, so you can't tell her what I am to her, but if she is hurt in anyway, once i see you. You'll be dead on spot and you know that i could wipe Lyrenia, since i was the one to create it in the first place » the grey haired woman stormed out from the corridor.

The man with her, hesitated but he followed her,just as he took a turn, there was no one there, as if she vanished in thin air.

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